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Basement Escape

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  • Basement Escape

    Somebody has locked you up in the basement, try to figure out how to escape by using the items and solving the puzzles.

    Play Here

    Please use spoilers for hints and walkthroughs:
    [spoiler=Title Here]Enter text here...[/spoiler]

    Please do not post a video walkthrough for 7 days.

    Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans

  • #2
    And going around in circles

    Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


    • #3
      Hi Tipper. Did u crack the triangle puzzle yet?

      Just noticed u said u solved it. Can u help me?
      Last edited by TANUKI; 05-15-2011, 18:45:14.


      • #4
        Yes, but look in the dryer first to get a starting point and the hot water heater for instructions. My solution disappeared as soon as I hit the last number, so I can't give it to you.

        Now searching for the exit code, which I thought I had

        Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


        • #5
          Thanks. Got it now


          • #6
            same here tipper
            puzzle in pit seems impossible

            hammer ? got nothing after

            ok ,found pit puzzle


            • #7
              But I think I am missing more numbers. And uses for some items, and a way to clean spilled paint.

              Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


              • #8
                found solution to drawer somewhere else ,but now i know ,it seems ridiculous
                from there it's easy

                for paint

                but still i wanna know ...WHO locked me up ?


                • #9

                  Wow, it worked fast this time nice game

                  Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by old biker View Post
                    same here tipper
                    puzzle in pit seems impossible

                    hammer ? got nothing after

                    ok ,found pit puzzle
                    How do you get the hammer?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by slerk View Post
                      How do you get the hammer?
                      Slerk, look at the second spoiler in post # 2, or the first spoiler in post#8. Use that code on the table.

                      Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


                      • #12
                        have a couple of items that I have no idea what they are!

                        OK - noticed the name of item at the very bottom of items list. Afternoon slump. Now have

                        saw # puzzle top of instructions for another one - which gave me an item. Still have triangle puzzle to do.
                        OK that is done and I now have power. Have 2 things I've not used. May have to look for help .. and almost dinner time.

                        Ate and enjoyed the porch after dinner. I have since then used an item - evidently something on wheels. I appear to be missing some numbers?

                        explaining puzzle at top of clipboard

                        I'm a bit stumped .. probably kick myself when I figure it out.
                        redid the math - & out

                        Thanks Tipper - I did do that by myself. tah-dah! Was just struggling with doorcode. Had the wrong # for orange/gold. Thought maybe I needed more numbers there for awhile.
                        Last edited by NannaJoy; 05-18-2011, 01:11:45.


                        • #13
                          Nanna, I believe every thing is answered here but the triangle solution. That can be found on the web

                          Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


                          • #14
                            Out but some help was needed...
                            From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me

