Originally posted by Unregistered
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Ray's Room
im bored, i might aswell! this isnt hints btw, this is like an idiot-proof walkthrough. hope it helps ^_^
Ok, so you start facing the bed. Pick up the CHOPSTICKS which are to the left by the pillow
Then click the yellow thing, you will zoom in and pick up the KEY to the left of it.
Zoom out and click on the small part of a circle you can see at the bottom of the screen.
its a table, click on the left leg to see underneath and take CAT
Zoom out, back to first view and turn to your right.
Click the desk futherest away from you. use the KEY on the three draws to the left and take the GAME DISK, PLUG and PS2 CONTROLLER.
Zoom out then click on the tv cupboard closest to you. zoom in on the cupboard underneath the tv and open it by clicking on the top left corner. take the PS2
Zoom out and turn to youre right again. Zoom in to third shelf on left cupboard and take YELLOW BOOK.
Zoom in to 2nd shelf of right cupboard and take BOWL.
Zoom out and click on shadow of the right cupboard. this will show you behind the cupboard where you pick up KETTLE
Turn right twice so you are facing the blue wardrobe. Click near the top and you will see ontop where you can take the DRIED NOODLES
Highlight the KETTLE in your inventory then click the grey button to examine
then highlight the POWER CORD and the click on the back of the englarged KETTLE. they should join.
exit and examine BOWL. highlight NOODLES and click on bowl, where they will appear.
highlight KETTLE, click on BOWL, and hot water will appear.
then click on YELLOW BOOK, and click on BOWL again. the BOOK will appear ontop of the noodles, click on the BOOK to remove it and you will be left with a bowl full of cooked noodles.
Highlight CHOPSTICKS and then click on BOWL to eat. Empty bowl will hold a KEY.
Go back to view of three desks. Click furthest desk and unlock the lonely draw with the key you just obtained. you recieve a PLUG.
Examine PS2. Attatch PS2 controller to it and put the DISK into it.
then go to the tv (nearest cupboard) and highlight PS2 then click the tv screen.
0602 appears
go to computer. turn it on by clicking small red button (chinese writing will appear on monitor)
highlight CAT, click on monitor screen.
Computer turns on and keyboard comes out.
Click keyboard and input 0602.
Weird GHOST thing comes out.
Turn right four times so you are facing blank wall except a bit of bed in bottom right corniner.
Highlight GHOST then click on wall. Secret compartment will reveal DRILL.
examine DRILL and attatch PLUG to it.
Turn right once, so you are facing the bed.
Click bottom left so you can see sockets. Highlight drill and then click sockets.
Wait for drill to be charged (it will go back to inventory)
Turn left 3 times so facing brown door. use DRILL on door and...
I am still in the first room
screw driver keys kinfe hitting thing got the safe open and the cupboard but I dont know what the hell the things are in the cupboard or what to do with them...people keep talking about noodles and ps2, and a popcorn maker...I dont know whats going on