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Escape from the Flooded Room

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  • #46
    Originally posted by SPARKY

    your well a lil cheat tht aint even playin it thts just skippin 2 da end wivout wrkin nefin out!


    • #47
      Originally posted by Unregistered
      That not possible, especially given how you type.
      yea u dint beat it tho u just did wat tht sparky did n right clicked it 2 skip it u lil fag


      • #48
        Originally posted by cass
        yea u dint beat it tho u just did wat tht sparky did n right clicked it 2 skip it u lil fag
        soz tht message werent 4 u it oz 4 da peep who rote this........

        Originally Posted by Unregistered
        that game is so esy i mean come if you need a walk thorgh your sad i beat it in 25sec with out one


        • #49
          dude this game took me 27 sedonds to do with the walkthrought posted on the first page!!!
          Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me so throw me down and tie me up and show me that you like me!!!


          • #50
            Originally posted by sexylittlebitch
            dude this game took me 27 sedonds to do with the walkthrought posted on the first page!!!
            Thats using your brain! DUH!


            • #51
              c'mon guys does it have to get so personal? the idea was easy i admit but i had to try everything several times as using the right object in the right place sometimes took a few attempts to register! We all have different abilities and I don't think getting into the whole personal insult thing is necessary to be honest. Guess i'll be labelled as a "peace loving hippy" or somesuch now so do excuse me if i go cry in the corner
              I can resist everything except temptation


              • #52
                why is it that some game links just take you to the gamershood homepage...? That happens with this game, and has happened with others...maybe I should be asking this elsewhere...ah well


                • #53
                  well said redfragglebiker... can't anyone keep their insults to THEMSELVES????
                  btw i think the "cry in the corner" part you put was funny.
                  just keeping law!........
                  L. Hill


                  • #54
                    piece of cake

                    it's simple to figure out and i needed nooooo help. its a good game
                    ~Bell of the Ball~

                    "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." -Walter Winchell


                    • #55
                      [QUOTE=Unregistered]has anyone played Escape 1? It's fantastic but now i'm stuck, if somebody has played it can you please post a message to say how to get gunpowda?


                      this is the reply ok go the the abandon house (rina's old pad)use crowbar on the window find the smokes on the shelf give em to amaelia and she'll give ya da powda (oh how do you make those faces appear?)
                      Last edited by junodu124; 08-31-2007, 22:50:53.


                      • #56
                        This game totally sucks, I could've made a better one myself using Power Point.
                        The Calculator


                        • #57
                          OH MY GOD~i really thought i was goin to die............................................... .......
                          *~`Was it a cat i saw?`~*
                          *read it opposite*


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by SPARKY View Post
                            HERES THE WALKTHROUGH

                            Dogs rule!!!
                            So do puppies!!!

