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Wanpa Quest 3

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  • #91
    ok i dont get how to combine things for example the stick and paper with circle

    plz help mee
    Last edited by Yvonne; 10-28-2010, 23:37:08. Reason: Merged Posts
    Part of The Great Fashion Industry


    • #92
      Oh I wondered if I should explain what had happened to the father.
      He was away from home to be in the competition of making Japanese noodles, the father runs Japanese noodle restaurant and Wanpa has a part-time job there. But when he got home, he dropped the paper, you remember? On the paper, it said he hadn't got good prize in that competition and turned into stone-like feature... before saying thanks to Wanpa. But then you saw the baby did something, he said "thank you" to Wanpa even though he had never be able said one word before... That might've his first word!

      That is what you saw before congratulation!

      First click the item (item 1) you want to combine with another (item 2) and click "about item" you see under inventory boxes. Now you see item 1 is shown on the screen. Then click item 2, click "ITEM" button and click item 1 on the screen. You have to click "ITEM" button evertime you want to use items
      I hope you understand my english..


      • #93
        You will have two items, one which you must use on the other. You select the second item, and choose About item. Then you get a close-up of that item, in this case the round paper. Then you choose the first object, in this case the stick, click the Item button and click on the close-up. If they can be combined, it will happen otherwise nothing happens.

        Aww, how cute But it seems odd to me that he turned into stone just like that Thanks lili
        Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

        We take care of all your robot needs.
        - If your harddrive crashes?

        Call Backup.
        Or see Upstairs.

        - If you need to get something copied?

        Go see Neko, the copycat.


        • #94
          i still dont get it i feel so stupid
          Part of The Great Fashion Industry


          • #95
            My pleasure, Theme!!


            • #96
              i still dont get it
              Part of The Great Fashion Industry


              • #97
                Okay, do the following then.

                If you have not yet burned the stick:

                To use the stick on the round paper:
                Intelligent Supporter, Unimportant Sir ThemePark, Advanced Intelligence Robot & Son

                We take care of all your robot needs.
                - If your harddrive crashes?

                Call Backup.
                Or see Upstairs.

                - If you need to get something copied?

                Go see Neko, the copycat.


                • #98
                  FASH, Do you know how to check the item you have and how to use the item?

                  Well Theme cleared them out.


                  • #99

                    Ok, click on one item. Click on the "About item" box below inventory. It will now bring up a huge picture of the item. Now, click on the second item you wish to combine. Then click on the big "item" box to the bottom left of the inventory. Finally, click on the huge picture of the first item. If the two items you have chosen are combinable, then it will combine them automatically for you.

                    Does that make any more sense?
                    ><((('><')))>< WORLD PEACE!!

                    Put the kissing fish in your sig to stop the evil world domination bunny!


                    • Originally posted by lili
                      FASH, Do you know how to check the item you have and how to use the item?

                      Well Theme cleared them out.

                      lili plz how to see the white nnumber i dont know where is


                      • Where Is The Number For The Withe Paperrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


                        • mustok, Did you find white note?


                          • I can't get to the blue key!

                            HEH-HEH! Respect Michael Jackson!


                            • Michael, you need to get
                              to pick it up.


                              • And where might the tweezers be?

                                HEH-HEH! Respect Michael Jackson!

