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Escape For 10 sec. 2
Very easy nd multiple ways of getting out1. Use the gun to shoot the knob (Gun located in drawer) OR Get the night vision Googles, turn off the light, use the Night Vision, look under the Desk and take that Gun.
2. Use Katana to slice door (Katana located beside the shelves.
3. Find the password (It's on the TV)
4. Use Bazooka (Unde the bed)
5. Get the shears (Under the bed) And the night Vision Googles, turn off the light, use night Vision googles, turn to where you got the Night vision, look up, use shears on the key and then just click on the doorknob of the door.
6. Use the last key behind the picture.
I'm still missing 7 ways. But I will update when I find them
Found two more7.Disarm the bomb using the numbers (Press down at the beginning)
8. Disarm Bomb using the red cards (Press down from the Door)
Items that I can't find a useCrule Shoes on the Shelf, The plant thing in the flowing pot (Reminds me of a monster off of the Castlevania Seris) The symbols behind the planting pot, the action figure on shelf, and the red thing under the pillow.
Anyone know what they are for?Last edited by Quizguy; 12-16-2006, 19:28:35.Best Riddle: 41
Universal Riddle: 19
Think: 14
WhatsIT: 3
I found the only way (i think) to finish this that hasn't been previously posted.
Grab the night vison goggles, turn off the light and turn towards the desk, click on the floor infront of the fallen chair, then click the chair for the Beretta 92F (its taped to it), click fire now and shoot the knob off the door
I can't seem to get the shears to cut the string that the key is on though
wont work the web for me..