in the first screen with board under the table
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1 Way
Code for the save
A bit of math gives you the code for the safe:
You're looking for a integer (= only whole numbers, no comma etc) as it says on the black board
Use the formulas to calculate X - which is the safe code. Substitute the variables like year etc with the CURRENT values (as they are shown on the alarm clock and top right of the black board. Use the 4-digit year.
Based on 12am on 21 Feb 2007. Y = (19 * 21 (=day) * 2007 (=year) * 12 (=hour) / 10000 ) + ((12 (=hour) * 21 (=day)) ^2) [note: you ignore the squareroot part because it's striken through]. So y = 960.95 + 63504 = 64464.95. And now x = y/2 = 32232.48. You only take the decimals before the comma (point) so the code is 32232. Note that the code changes for each hour and day...