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1 Way
I keep on dying and it restarts in non-English link!!!
scissors, red key, bottle, vinegar, soda, nail, rope, flower head and a pencil
Safe vinegar and soda: plays like 'simon', colours follow the pattern
"I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe"....(ANON)......and escaping the room is my only option....but first, where is the chocolate?"
i got 10 items in my inventory, i dunno how to open the safe on the shelf and dunno wat the crack do. also, the piano seems to have a broken key, dunno wat that does.
gold key, empty match box, scissors, red key, bottle, vinegar, soda, nail, rope, flower head and a pencil
nvm, i cracked the crack -.-Last edited by HowIsMyBaby; 02-21-2007, 01:49:28.Never say never...
Originally posted by HowIsMyBabyi got 10 items in my inventory, i dunno how to open the safe on the shelf and dunno wat the crack do. also, the piano seems to have a broken key, dunno wat that does.use nail on broken piano key and get blue key, not sure where it goes.Also code 6903 doesn't work for me! its hard to see it.