Haha, that was....... weirddddd.
No announcement yet.
Escape Paris
That was pants...
But she so would go back for her sunglasses.
Can't believe I actually played that.
Does she have a ferret?
Lol.If you want to know your past - look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future - look into your present actions.
If I was a pigeon, a pigeon I would be!
i should of read everyone elses post because i have to agree with everyone who said this game was stupid.Never let fear come between you and your dreams.
:fly: :lurk-smile: :eclipsee-cup::scared-couch:
You will get your chance to be in the spotlight sooner or later, it looks like later for you.
:poze: :nud: :bis: :eclipsee-cup: :ser::git:
what the <<<deleted>>> was that dummiest game in the worldwww.myspace.com/megashark
Smile World
It's a wporld, yah its a world so how boughthahahahajust SHUT UP
tonights a fight against Florda Marlins and the Vikings
:yayfox: :yayfox: :yayfox:
:git: :pacmanSMILE: :rog:
:shar: :gost: :mog: :bam: :gost: :gost: :mog: :mog: :bam:
ok that was really weird
*~The Shining Star of GH~~*
The riddlers gang: Vivi, Sumitra, Hunter, Bizarrochick, Monkey, Archaicdome, and Teeodd!June 15th is fundayja day! July 9th is Teeodd day! July 10th is Sumitra day! July 11th is Shining day! September 13th is Crazy day! September 18th is Robot day! October 13th is Party 4 Ever day! March 15th is Archaicdome day!
*~a proud Mommy to be~*
Originally posted by Presto767Not a very good game... but I've seen worse.Lovin Gamershood!
dOn'T mEsS wItH dA bEsS cOz Da BeSs dOn'T mEsS!
WOHOO! New member of the Looney Bin!
Thanx Mistery 4 helping me 2 become a member!
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