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Ream & Shoe Escape (aka Rensyu Escape)

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  • #31
    japanese is like sooo complicating 4 a beautiful english girl like me!!!
    blue fairy

    blue girl
    :lu: :trude: :scared-couch: :crazy-smilie: :nzd: :nud:

    plz visit my bebo n add me!!!!!
    :trude::poze::man::lu::ura::trude::bigparty::kngt: :ma::poze:
    sign up and enter the referal id 91292416 for FREE FONES then complete a FREE offer


    • #32
      hurray, i escaped
      "Popular. I know about popular. And with an assist from me to be who who'll be, instead of dreary who you were, well are. There's nothing that'll stop you from becoming popular." --Wicked


      • #33
        ...neeeh...this games annoying....
        I have the nailfiler, water bottles, thing from chair...and put the collar and rope one the doggy.... and thats it....STUPID KEY COME OUT! do we move the mirror?


        • #34
          anyone figure out those drawers yet?


          • #35
            PEOPLE! When you find an object please say where you found it. It helps others out!

            UGH! How much longer on the opening and closing drawers?!?!?!?!
            Last edited by Michael Jackson; 09-27-2007, 02:52:52.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Michael Jackson
              PEOPLE! When you find an object please say where you found it. It helps others out!

              UGH! How much longer on the opening and closing drawers?!?!?!?!
              U don't have to click for hours! U only need to
              (Thanx to nordinho!)


              • #37
                i cant find the key! any advice?

                i have closed the curtains but still no joy, any idea how many times you have to open and close or which drawer as there are two?


                • #38
                  mabe you can only find some things with the blinds shut


                  • #39
                    I have no idea how to get the key...I just shut the curtans and that still isn't working...any idea what to do about the key and bottled water?


                    • #40
                      I cannot get the blastered key out of the 2 bottom draws of bed either..... Any other clues... this is so stupid....
                      Aussie Aussie Aussie.... Oi Oi Oi......


                      • #41
                        hey guys i found a few "secrets" that you may not know about

                        haven't found key yet.

                        Crazy and funny games are my world!!!


                        • #42
                          is anyone playing this game now?


                          • #43
                            This game is ridiculous!! I had to quit; those drawers were driving me insane!! Guess I don't have the patience y'all who got through it have. Bless your souls... I just couldn't sit there any longer and click those stupid things. ... Bloody ignorant!
                            Be gentle with me... please.

