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Virgin Gate

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  • #31
    Woo hoo. I did this one on my own!
    "The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the living to do so for them"R.I.P. Brandon. Your big sister misses you!


    • #32
      ok, now I'm stuck.

      Edit: Nevermind. got it.
      Last edited by cnanonymity; 11-02-2007, 20:31:42. Reason: power of posting
      Couldn't find a pen had to think of a new trick / This one he wrote in cold blood with a toothpick.


      • #33
        Ok, I've
        and have now come to an impasse. Could someone please tell me what I'm missing? Thank you.

        Never Mind. Got it. Thank you all for your help.
        Don't forget you are awesome.


        • #34
          edit: deleted post...

          yay im out.


          • #35
            Stupid game!
            "Catch 22"


            • #36
              where is the pole?

              Help! idk where the pole is... im not 2 good at escape games! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

              Last edited by Kzin; 05-17-2013, 06:04:37. Reason: Please use edit to avoid double posting
              Boys Like Girls =THE BEST FRIGIN BAND EVER

              yummy i love these little smilies... hehehehehe


              • #37
                A bit clicky the game...but the idea is not bad...

                A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

                As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?


                • #38
                  No idea what I am doing here.
                  No idea where to use item number 7 and using the others didn't make much sense either.
                  Got the pole at the key but can't get it??

                  Moving on to the next game
                  From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


                  • #39
                    Have airplane, flashlight, string and pipe...took forever to get pipe as it wasn't working right.
                    Now see key, but as unable to 'unselect' items in inventory, I couldn't P/U key but instead pipe got dropped....?
           seems that's what should happen.
                    Clicking madly in office and found other view...placed flashlight.
                    Clicking madly again in office and found other view...placed string & plane, crashed plane, have piece.
                    And gues what....another view in office and have spotlight(?).
                    Maybe that was the chair as I lost it and chair is there...but nothing happened?
                    Chair keeps disappearing and returning, you can keep getting the red board.
                    Placed red board in another screen and a SD falls out.
                    Used SD and have hook. Used hook and now have key, and now have a 'thingy'.
                    Covered a previously placed item with it and a clue displays on another wall.
                    Did what the clue said and now I have a key card.

                    Used the keycard...and now a screen of japanese letters.
                    Did I get out, or die? Who game.
                    Last edited by graywolf; 05-18-2013, 18:26:35.

