evry time i go to the cellar all i see is caskets. not sparky. WHERE IS HE???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Freaky Friday
if you read all the books in the study it you then find out how to booby trap things (but it doesn't actually tell you anything) find bag of sick, sulpher and err theres something else rotten and smelly and when i remember what it is i'll post again...
there are 3 ways you can knock out the guy.... you only need to do one of these things. and you don't really have to MAKE cookies!Check out my riddles here
And here is my newest Riddle
Bizarrochicks Dr Who Riddle
Every game, the location of the item changes, but it's still basically the same thing.After you have you used all the keys, you should find yourself in a secret basement where sparky is.
First, go through every place, looking for things. Use any keys found.
When you find sulfer, barf, and rotten food, you put it in the jack in the box in the music room for a stink bomb to knock him out...
You take the spicy things in the cookie jar in the kitchen or coma-cookies.
(which I still find hilariously awesome)
Note: When you find the encyclopedia, put it in the bookshelf in the study/library.
I completed Freaky Friday without any help. When I first played this game, Mister Stitch caught me & KICKED ME OUT. Then as i held the mouse with my hand i was shaking because i became nervous. It was my first game. You're right. Everytime you play the game the items change places from time to time. But actually, I don't know where to find the correction fluid. I just found a Fountain Pen with lots of ink & Mister Stitch's birth certificate. I placed the birth certificate on the news paper & then i tried to use the pen next. But it just WOOOOON'T WORK! It says in the game that first i must erase the old ones. I tried to find an eraser. I looked EVERYWHERE. So i just planned to leave Mister Stitch unconscious by making a stink bomb & when he opened it....kaboom! He was just knocked out! If anybody needs help, i KNOW HOW to get through that ugly demon dachshund that just won't let you pass through. Just find a half-eaten bratwurst & use it on the dog. He will just disappear. Me, i have a question myself: WHERE CAN I FIND THAT CORRECTION FLUID?!!! I looked everywhere, but i can't, i just CAN'T find it! Would anybody please help me? If you have more problems about hiding, i'll tell you MY secrets.
1.The Tutu in Mister Stitch's....uh....room full of clothes.
2.The Lamp shade in the Living Room.
3.The Toilet in the bathroom
4.Mister Stitch's Spoon Collection in the Dining Room
5.The Drum in the Music Room
6.The Refrigerator in the kitchen
7.The Dog Bowl....still in the kitchen
1.The White Clothes in Mister Stitch's room full of clothes (the room next to the bedroom)
2.The Table in the Dining Room
3.The Dog House in the Garden
4.The Garbage Can still in the Garden
5.The Tree still in the Garden
6.The Sofa in the Living Room
7.The Toy Box in the bedroom
8.The Piano in the Music Room
9.The Marimbas still in the Music Room
10.The Kitchen Cabinet in the kitchen, of course!
11.The Laundry in the....uh....Laundry Room? With the Washing Machines!
12.The Two Washing Machines in the Laundry Room
13.The Knight's Mask in the....uh....Living room with the front door
14.The Instrument in the Library
15.The Bag of....something that Mister Stitch uses to stuff animals in the dungeon?
16.The Sink Cabinet in the bathroom
17.The Pots in the Flower Room (WARNING! Please DO NOT hide in the 3rd flower pot!)
18.The Huge Casks in the.....uh.....Cask Room! Only the ones without LIDS of course!
*Oh, & by the way, lilrap.If you find an encyclopedia, put it on its proper bookshelf in the mini-library. The shelf will be opened & you can walk through. If you climb up the ladder, you will then be in Mister Stitch's workshop. You can see a gray door at the south. You must find an old iron key to open it. Where to find an old iron key? Oh, that's easy! Just find it in the room full of casks. Then go back to the workshop & open it. And now you can hold down the spacebar & examine the blue whale you can see. You got Sparky! What? You expected maybe a poodle? Well actually, me too!*
By the way guys... you have been mistaking....A LOT.
Number 1: Sparky is a Blue Whale, NOT a DOG!
*NOTE: You can also play the game here! Just click this link & play the game!
this is where i first met the game freaky friday.
& by the way, again, this game is TOTALLY AWESOME! It does NOT stink! You just say those kind of things because, maybe it's hard for you to finish this game. You also must be thankful because I am a generous girl. I gave ALL of my secrets to you. Good hiding places, bad hiding places, how to leave Mister Stitch unconscious, how to make the dachshund go away....etc. anyway, good bye!Last edited by Mistery; 03-16-2008, 13:11:59. Reason: MAKING MORE THAN 1 POST IN A ROW IS AGAINST THE RULES, EDIT YOUR POST IF NECESSARY. USE SPOILERS TO GIVE HINTS
Originally posted by Unregistered View PostIf I knew I'd tell ya. Was anybody able to finish this game???u get sparky from the basement (the key is is in one of the barrels in the padlock).i got the key to the padlock in one of the bags of wood shavings in the basement after you get that dumb inflatable whale heres watcha do:
1:read books at library
2:collect these 6 items:nasty casserol(tuna thingy),silfur(yellow thing that smells like ****)and barf bag.these r for jack-in-the-box at music room.hot sauce red peppers and red spice.put these in cookie jar in kitchen i love doing this part just to watch him die(i dont know if he does die)
3:if you did any of these pranks stay were you are and hide
4:be patient till mister stich comes
5:when he drops to the ground get in front of his face(if you did jack prank get behind his face)
6:hold space and youll get gold key
7:go to front door
8:press p
there you <<<DELETED BY MODERATION>>> got it
i hope you win and congratz
oh yeahtheres no need to get pass the dog all you need is to get the ivory key to get into the music room then get floor wax to go upstairs there might be the fancy key in the following spots:behing curtain of bathroom,under the table with the pink flower vase,the table with the diary on in bedroom,the table with lamp on it in bedroom,under the bed and any part of the white things in the room with mirror
opps the dog part um...when you get the fancy key use the key to the locked door in music room.then you search in the library.usally under the piano be carefull though finding the stitch ripper may result being caught because there is no hiding spots so when clock's red your <<<DELETED BY MODERATION>>>.when you get stitch go to the stuffed bear.then use it.the bear's stomach will split open with white stuff (my iq is 70 im not smart really but big game freak
Originally posted by brad View PostI completed Freaky Friday without any help. When I first played this game, Mister Stitch caught me & KICKED ME OUT. Then as i held the mouse with my hand i was shaking because i became nervous. It was my first game. You're right. Everytime you play the game the items change places from time to time. But actually, I don't know where to find the correction fluid. I just found a Fountain Pen with lots of ink & Mister Stitch's birth certificate. I placed the birth certificate on the news paper & then i tried to use the pen next. But it just WOOOOON'T WORK! It says in the game that first i must erase the old ones. I tried to find an eraser. I looked EVERYWHERE. So i just planned to leave Mister Stitch unconscious by making a stink bomb & when he opened it....kaboom! He was just knocked out! If anybody needs help, i KNOW HOW to get through that ugly demon dachshund that just won't let you pass through. Just find a half-eaten bratwurst & use it on the dog. He will just disappear. Me, i have a question myself: WHERE CAN I FIND THAT CORRECTION FLUID?!!! I looked everywhere, but i can't, i just CAN'T find it! Would anybody please help me? If you have more problems about hiding, i'll tell you MY secrets.
1.The Tutu in Mister Stitch's....uh....room full of clothes.
2.The Lamp shade in the Living Room.
3.The Toilet in the bathroom
4.Mister Stitch's Spoon Collection in the Dining Room
5.The Drum in the Music Room
6.The Refrigerator in the kitchen
7.The Dog Bowl....still in the kitchen
1.The White Clothes in Mister Stitch's room full of clothes (the room next to the bedroom)
2.The Table in the Dining Room
3.The Dog House in the Garden
4.The Garbage Can still in the Garden
5.The Tree still in the Garden
6.The Sofa in the Living Room
7.The Toy Box in the bedroom
8.The Piano in the Music Room
9.The Marimbas still in the Music Room
10.The Kitchen Cabinet in the kitchen, of course!
11.The Laundry in the....uh....Laundry Room? With the Washing Machines!
12.The Two Washing Machines in the Laundry Room
13.The Knight's Mask in the....uh....Living room with the front door
14.The Instrument in the Library
15.The Bag of....something that Mister Stitch uses to stuff animals in the dungeon?
16.The Sink Cabinet in the bathroom
17.The Pots in the Flower Room (WARNING! Please DO NOT hide in the 3rd flower pot!)
18.The Huge Casks in the.....uh.....Cask Room! Only the ones without LIDS of course!
*Oh, & by the way, lilrap.If you find an encyclopedia, put it on its proper bookshelf in the mini-library. The shelf will be opened & you can walk through. If you climb up the ladder, you will then be in Mister Stitch's workshop. You can see a gray door at the south. You must find an old iron key to open it. Where to find an old iron key? Oh, that's easy! Just find it in the room full of casks. Then go back to the workshop & open it. And now you can hold down the spacebar & examine the blue whale you can see. You got Sparky! What? You expected maybe a poodle? Well actually, me too!*
By the way guys... you have been mistaking....A LOT.
Number 1: Sparky is a Blue Whale, NOT a DOG!
*NOTE: You can also play the game here! Just click this link & play the game!
this is where i first met the game freaky friday.
& by the way, again, this game is TOTALLY AWESOME! It does NOT stink! You just say those kind of things because, maybe it's hard for you to finish this game. You also must be thankful because I am a generous girl. I gave ALL of my secrets to you. Good hiding places, bad hiding places, how to leave Mister Stitch unconscious, how to make the dachshund go away....etc. anyway, good bye!
Hey, ppl
Okay, I haven't played that game in a REALLY long time, but i know you can finish it several ways. Okay, to be able to find things, you cannot have your horseshoe pointing at UNLUCKY. Otherwise, you'll have a hard time.And yes, everytime you start up a new game, you'll notice that the objects are hidden in different places. BTW, things like the umbrella, cracks in the ground and ladder are there to TEST you. Be smart, and be aware. For the jack in the box thing, you dont need to put the gross stuff in one at a time like someone had previously said, you can put em in all at one and wait for him. OR you can do the cookie thing. Sometime when you're playing, you won't be able to find the thing you need, even if you are the luckiest person, coz the game has some glitches. Anyways, have fun! (btw, I dont even know where the correction fluid is!)