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The Unforgiven Room

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  • ??????

    I am not able to fınd the blade...can you tell?detail will I take?I am sorry I am from englısh ısn't good...


    • Yeeeah, I finished it!!!!! Damn easy to find the blender blad, turkey bastard! haha


      • Still looking for answers?

        Anyone who is still looking for answers to finish this game have clearly not bothered to look for the answers in this forum. There are at least 3 walk throughs for the game including a complete unabridged version by me (page 13).

        Not wonder you can't find the ****ing light switch or know how to use the ****ing lighter with the dynamite! I'm surprised you know how to post a message to this message board because you are clearly retarded.

        Now **** and take up something less taxing for you... like breathing in and out.


        • Angry?

          Anyone who is still looking for answers to finish this game have clearly not bothered to look for the answers in this forum. There are at least 3 walk throughs for the game including a complete unabridged version by me (page 13).

          Not wonder you can't find the f*cking light switch or know how to use the f*cking lighter with the dynamite! I'm surprised you know how to post a message to this message board because you are clearly retarded.

          Now f*ck off and take up something less taxing for you... like breathing in and out.


          • Originally posted by Mark F
            Anyone who is still looking for answers to finish this game have clearly not bothered to look for the answers in this forum. There are at least 3 walk throughs for the game including a complete unabridged version by me (page 13).

            Not wonder you can't find the ****ing light switch or know how to use the ****ing lighter with the dynamite! I'm surprised you know how to post a message to this message board because you are clearly retarded.

            Now **** and take up something less taxing for you... like breathing in and out.

            You are so gay


            • Originally posted by Thorin_NL
              Me neither.
              And me neither =P


              • Originally posted by Kim from Norway
                Yeeeah, I finished it!!!!! Damn easy to find the blender blad, turkey bastard! haha
                if you know what does it mean "bastard"..i think you know pretty well what it is..
                as you say "haha"...


                • Mamma escaped!!



                  • Originally posted by GamersHood

                    Room escape game where you again dont remember anything, dont know anything, cant do anything but you have to escape from the Unforgiven room. Click around, find things, use them in right places.

                    Room escape game. Escape from the Unforgiven room.
                    wath is the sulution?


                    • took me bout 10mins wit a little help from message board. only a lil. didnt nedd cd or dynamite or lighter. didnt even find saw. leg just came off for bin. gd game but v. strange


                      • Originally posted by Unregistered
                        if you know what does it mean "bastard"..i think you know pretty well what it is..
                        as you say "haha"...
                        Yes, it's so correct, choosy bastard!


                        • Yes, it's so correct!! borin'damn!

                          Merry Christmas


                          • Originally posted by Unregistered
                            How do you put the toxic waste in the blender?
                            wen u 1st start the game mine is toatally blak i cant c or do anythin


                            • Hello

                              What was the CD for and the Poster. I finished the game but didnt use either


                              • finished!

                                I finished the game!!! If you simply put the access cards together... Just use the remote ang click it twice... You will see a safe... Slide the access cards and you will find a key and get the hell out of that room! It was fun!

