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The Unforgiven Room

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  • #61
    I used the card but nothing happened do I need sth else? By the way, I have a prob with the PC, I turned it on and after it I got blue sky screen, where should I click now? And one more thing, how to use the cd?


    • #62
      ... finished it!


      • #63
        I just don?t get it...

        I can?t fix the card. Where must I place it? I click on the tape but it doesn?t fix the card.

        And I can?t blow the dynamite. It?s on the sofa but the lighter doesn?t work...

        I think there are some bugs in the game. I guess the cut-off leg should only appear after using the saw but it works without it....


        • #64
          huraaaaaaay I finished it finally. It seems there is no need to use the cd and the pc


          • #65
            if u wanna make the lighter work click on it. Do the same with the tape till it unroll a little bit then get the to pieces of card close to each other and use the tape on 'em


            • #66
              it not that hard !! but the only annoying thing is it didnt clcik when u wanted it !! had to click in the saem place a few times to finally get what i wanted

              but finished it !! heee


              • #67
                ok... made it....

                But still buggy this game!

                How did I remove my first leg without the saw?
                How can I walk after removing my second leg with the saw? (the first one is still on the bin...)
                How did I survive the great firework on the bed?

                ...question after question.... but still fun!


                • #68
                  password for pc anyone?
                  any clues?

                  #1 escape room games fan


                  • #69
                    hello all... can someone please help me with the blender, I have put the blade in at the bottom, plugged it in at the wall socket, placed the toxic barrell into the blender and pushed the button, but nothing is happening - what am I doing wrong?? thanks x


                    • #70
                      ahh i just found oput why th b;ender wont work
                      u need the blender blade, top left hand side of the copmuter view, sitting on the railing bit on the wall


                      • #71
                        When the game loads it appears a black screen and i don't know what to do. does anyone have the same problem?


                        • #72
                          there should be some white writing at the bottom of the screen, you need to scroll down.. its the usual - what am i doing here? etc... then you have to put the light on to light the screen up.


                          • #73
                            Sorry, but where's the f****** light!!!!????


                            • #74
                              you should be able to see the vague outline of things in the room, its next to the door on the right handside... if you cant see any outlines then try reloading it... I'm getting fed up with it, i've read all the posts and nothing I do seems to work, any help with the blender will be appreciated..


                              • #75
                                I've clicked on the curtains and I still can't find th dynamite. Any hint?

