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  • Originally posted by esther
    I thought it was no use going down there before I knew what to say to the mirror. (weird still)
    And when you think of how much people are playing this game...
    I'll go -although I don't know the way....



    • You did? Wow!

      clap-clap-clap-clap-clap (applauds)

      So do you know about the rose potion? (before or after talking to Karis or doesn't matter)

      eh... I don't understand finnish, so I guess I can't help you with that.

      i could try to help if you translate it ;-)

      (Just kidding, I'm not a nurse, so what use would I be.)


      • Originally posted by esther
        You did? Wow!

        clap-clap-clap-clap-clap (applauds)

        So do you know about the rose potion? (before or after talking to Karis or doesn't matter)

        eh... I don't understand finnish, so I guess I can't help you with that.

        i could try to help if you translate it ;-)

        (Just kidding, I'm not a nurse, so what use would I be.)

        I have to write about childrens infections and how to work with it in the kindergarden. Come on, it's not so hard.

        I don't really know, why Karis was talking to me (don't forget to SAVE before you try! ) she didn't and I walked around and did some other stuff. After a while came back and tried again and this time she was willing to talk. And then remember the questionmarks.

        Did you manage to talk to the mirror?
        I'll go -although I don't know the way....



        • Haven't tried yet, as i deleted the whole game now.
          next time I will, if i can find the japanese text you have to copy.


          • I tried copying lunarx's screenshot (you get a pop up window with the japanese text) by selecting or copying and then pasting with ctrl + v.

            It doesn't work. I noticed this usually doesn't work online, maybe it's my computer.

            I guess I'll have to ask my dad about it, he's the one with the most computer knowledge in the family.


            • 3rd floor

              i have library locked and you told me key is in long hall with pictures behind one of them. i arrived in 3rd floor solved tree and clock puzzle gave apple to girl near elevators. now i still have one locked door in 3rd floor which is in front of tree puzzle. is it the one where i find library key? how do i open it?


              • sabiha

                Have you got a number from the girl?
                If not, I hope you have saved before talking to her and load that game then. You definitly need that number!

                Are you still in the room with elevator in 3F?
                Or where else?
                I'll go -although I don't know the way....



                • I can't find the white bell!



                  • Got it, now "just" figure out the right position of each bell in the melody.


                    • Originally posted by esther
                      Got it, now "just" figure out the right position of each bell in the melody.
                      Hi, how was your christmas?

                      You are far! Are you already in the room with the bells?

                      My homework is nearly done....
                      Or it is done - but I'm not satiesfied and need some changes...
                      I'll go -although I don't know the way....



                      • You're a perfectionist.

                        My Christmas was better than expected, i guess. (You know what I mean).

                        I hope you had a nice Christmas too, even if you had to do your homework.

                        I am pretty far, but i still can't copy and paste, so i can't talk to the mirror, so I may never end.

                        My partner is a composer (and cook, but that is nott important here) and has perfect pitch, so I told him the bells from low to high (it's above here somewhere) and had him listen to the melody, but even he couldn't make it out.
                        He says they're all out of tune, false and that in the melody the tones overlap so it's not clear.

                        Go figure.


                        • Last night I wanted to open a different window to run around the house in (from bell to bell).
                          So I started the game all over to make the elevators work etc. in the new game.

                          I didn't realize I could also load an old game in a new window (until I wanted to save the new game).

                          Stupid me!


                          • Originally posted by esther
                            You're a perfectionist.
                            And its not so easy in finnish.

                            Today I found something maybe also good to know for you, too:
                            Look, how the bells are in the box. It possibly had saved me a lot of time, I wasn't so bad with my own ears than it looked.

                            Nice that your christmas was so fine. Maybe time for more?
                            Oh, by the way: in gamershood is a really nice and really easy game - just for vacations from cageling... Or maybe after this everything is easy?
                            I'll go -although I don't know the way....



                            • I solved it and then I grabbed the sword and I got an ending....

                              I think it's all because I couldn't talk to Julian first.


                              • Originally posted by esther
                                I solved it and then I grabbed the sword and I got an ending....

                                I think it's all because I couldn't talk to Julian first.
                                How could you grab the sword without talking to him?

                                When you still want to get the true end - and you did so much for getting so far - talk to tje mirror . In the Nordinho Forum is a post (406???) where someone wrote everything what is important in japanese. Copy this sentence in the box, remove spaces and then he should give you a ring.
                                Or had you already a conversation with an elv?
                                I'll go -although I don't know the way....


