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  • Originally posted by Unregistered
    thanks for hint about buttons but what about all those levers and other things in the room?
    There is a room where you find a table you can't move anything there. Go and look exactly what is missing (Three things) and then put the things in the room on that place - off course in the basement room there on the machines.

    The other question: yes, I got help in the nordinho forum: there is a paper in the green room, very hard to find in the window, and there you find exactly which number belong to which board.

    I'm now on the place where I have to put some japanese words in. Found a hint to do that with copying into painting program and then copying in the game. The other forum is out of order for some hours but maybe someone can just tell me, how to copy from paint to the game. Or doesn't it work with firefox? I never tried that before so I don't know how to do.

    You can learn in this game a lot of things.
    I'll go -although I don't know the way....



    • Ctrl V - that was too easy...
      I'll go -although I don't know the way....



      • Which green room, the one with the puzzle on 3 or the one with the sun and moon puzzle on 4?

        And the sun disc? I must be blind or something (or just too old for these games, your brain deteriorates of course with age).

        Something else: anyone got an idea what the big concrete thing on top of the spiral staircase is for?


        • never mind the green room question, i found it.

          I've been looking at all the window ledges, but not in this room (just found it).


          • The green room with sun and moon puzzle.
            Ok - you found it. Maybe you're not too old

            The disc: did you find the key for the other door for the room with the elevator?

            Then you have to change the bridge/stairs into stairs...
            other way round...
            Last edited by Tarya Nَrui; 12-22-2005, 17:15:26. Reason: mistakes
            I'll go -although I don't know the way....



            • Thank you. (A bit old still.)

              I have the key, or had it. it was on the floor, right?

              I don't know how to change the bridge though...

              Someone said walk through it from the other side, I've been through it both ways, and back to front (backing up from the doors I mean), but whatever i see, no disc!


              • Ah, I see, with the lever in the room with water.
                Now I have to find my way back to the other door (no sense of direction, me).


                • Okay, am now behind the moon door, using the sun disc.

                  All glass windows with pictures and I have no idea what to do.

                  Also, I changed my flower pot for the one with the rose and used it in the library, does this mean I can't get out now?


                  • Maybe you need one of this dogs...

                    I solved a lot, some with help, some I found out all by myself.

                    But when you are just proud finished something...
                    ups - there are more of them!

                    I know about three things I still have to solve. I don't know how much I don't know.

                    Still missing some pages in my book (19, 26, 27, 43)
                    I know that Karis only giving me right advice when I have pages 26+27
                    I solved the puzzle anyway, but maybe thats why I don't find other things?

                    The prince is talking with me and then vanishing away. He should give me something.

                    The 3rd elevator is not working, I can't find the room with the bells.
                    And I found something about rings I should get? And a black sword?

                    So if there's anyone out there to tell me something I'm missing...
                    Maybe I've just to wait that you get your dog and then you'll find out everything and help me.
                    I'll go -although I don't know the way....



                    • Originally posted by Unregistered
                      Okay, am now behind the moon door, using the sun disc.

                      All glass windows with pictures and I have no idea what to do.

                      Also, I changed my flower pot for the one with the rose and used it in the library, does this mean I can't get out now?
                      There is something, kind of a stick with a moon or so on one side. Click on it and it will fall down. Take it and search for the other door. You will see a handle and with the stick you can open it.

                      And then you need this numbers, don't know was it you who tried them on the teleport "ages" ago?

                      I had to do something more but don't remember anymore to get then - after solving the numberpuzzle - from the dark room down to somewhere else.

                      I think, the rosepot in the library was a good choice - you will see at the end (me too - if we both get there...))
                      I'll go -although I don't know the way....



                      • A stick? In basement west with the glass walls?

                        Can't find one... maybe I need a break.

                        Wow you know a lot, I've still got 12 pages missing: 16, 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 45, 46.

                        Both other forums seem to be down...


                        • Sun Disk

                          Last edited by thaihoney; 12-22-2005, 19:24:12. Reason: spoiler


                          • Heart Puzzle


                            • Originally posted by Unregistered
                              A stick? In basement west with the glass walls?

                              Can't find one... maybe I need a break.
                              I just took a break, too.
                              On thursday the finnish television nicely has a german criminal. Its good to have a break from all this foreign languages. Someone told me, japanese would be easyer than finnish. Would be good now to use that.

                              The stick: you have to look a little bit up. And just click on it, it will fall down.
                              I'll go -although I don't know the way....



                              • Are you german?

                                Weird, I found the stick and opened the door and I solved the heart puzzle, but now I can't find the door back.

                                See, I'm getting old.

