i can't give the guy the pizza now what?!
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Escape Ecru Room
Originally posted by *~shiningstar~* View Postmine wont either
ok it went up some, takes a while
I have been waiting since yesterday morning for my dough to rise but ... nothing. Is there anything else i have to do? It is risen slightly but i can't remove it.
I am like a clown...
I have that teardrop stuck on my face for years.
However everyone believes that it's just part of my
special make-up ...
Originally posted by jack View PostIt takes a long time to rise (over a minute). There aren't any other steps to remove it. You just have to be patient. There is a lot of waiting in this game.
i am waiting here over a day. Really! Thanks anyway. I have to restart I guess, or quit...
I am like a clown...
I have that teardrop stuck on my face for years.
However everyone believes that it's just part of my
special make-up ...
Great game!! Thanks for posting it!!
And more, thanks for the walkthrough!!Online family
Brothers : Party 4 ever and Yorick
Sister : Mcakkay
Sister-in-law : Nefertiti
Nieces & Nephews : Suzy, Virgo, Zillah and Themolestarted
Member of GFARDTO
The leopard of Looney Bin
I'm back!!!! Yaay!!! I missed you all!!!!
Originally posted by jack View PostWalkthough if anybody gets stuck
*Just a quick note before you begin the game. Your inventory space is limited. You can however return items back to where you found them originally. Also, when you start mixing ingredients later you can dispose of the mixes by clicking on the trashbin in the wall next to the oven. This may be needed if you make a mistake*
Also note it takes a long time for certain things in this game. Waiting for dough to rise or pizza to cook can take a while to happen. Be patient.
Pick up the pepper, salt, napkin holder, tablecloth off the rightmost table, then pick up the table itself.
Pick up the plant behind the table you picked up and take the knife underneath of it.
Put everything back except the salt
Turn left
Examine the note on the cupboard and then put it back.
Take the blue cookbook hanging from the cupboard. It contains the recipes for various pizzas and how to make the dough.
Take the mug and glass from the cupboard on the upper left, the pot and the bottle from the cupboard on the upper right.
Use the knife on the bag in the lower left cupboard. Click it and use the mug on it once you zoom in to take the flour.
Click on the bowl in the lower right cupboard. Use the glass on it to take the yeast.
Turn left to the screen with the stove and the sink and use the bottle on the sink after you turn on the faucet.
Examine the pot you picked up earlier. Use the bottle of water on it, then the cup of flour, then the glass of yeast, and finally the salt.
Pick up and egg from the lower right cupboard. Try to use it on the pot containing the other ingredients. If it doesn't work put it back and take another one. Repeat this until you can use an egg on the pot.
Take the large spoon hanging inside the upper left cupboard. Use it on the pot to mix the ingredients.
Wait for the dough to rise
After it has risen, examine the pot to remove the dough.
Examine the dough, select your hand, then click the dough a few times to knead it.
Open the pantry and take the rolling pin off the shelf. Use it on the dough twice.
Take the ketchup from the upper right cupboard and use it on the dough.
Go back to the sink and take the VIP list from the lower left side under the sink. It is behind the paper towels.
Turn to the front door. Compare the person at the front door to the VIP list. If he doesn't match any of them use the knife on the person to scare them off. If they do match the person on the VIP list look at what kind of pizza they like. Look in the cookbook for that pizza's ingredients.
The ingredients vary, but here is where they are found:
green bell peppers: on cart next to counter. Use knife to chop them up
celery: in same bowl as peppers. Use knife to chop them up.
tomatoes: lower right cupboard. Use knife to chop them up
cheese: on counter. Use knife to cut of a hunk, then again to slice it up
chili peppers: same bowl as tomatoes
shrimp: in pantry. The individual shrimp can be identified by the color of the boxes. They correspond to that nations flag colors.
Guatemala-blue+white box
Norway-red+blue box
Nigeria-green+white box
Indonesia-red+white box
Bangladesh-green+red box
Put the ingredients on top of the pizza you are preparing using the cookbook and the VIP note. Don't forget to add or subtract any of the ingredient that the VIP likes or dislikes. These are mentioned on the VIP note.
Turn to the front door. Use the knife on the sign hanging over the door.
Turn to the screen with the sink. Open the right cupboard under the sink and take the scrub brush from behing the bucket. Use the brush on the sign that was over the door.
Put the tray (formerly the sign) into the center of the oven. Put your pizza on that tray.
On the left side of the oven is a hammer. Pick it up and use it on the right side of the over on the discolored spot. A red light will come on.
While waiting for the pizza to cook take the pink oven mitts off of the wall next to the stove.
When the red light on the oven starts flashing open it up and take out the pizza. (you need the oven mitts to do this)
Use the pizza on the VIP at the door through the slot. The VIP will give you a card.
Use the card on the bulletin board next to the pantry containing the shrimp.
Repeat the process for making pizza for all 5 VIPs on the list. Use the knife on anybody that comes to the door that is not a VIP to scare them off.
Once you have fed all 5 VIPs look on the left side of the counter with the cheese on top.
There are several pegs on the ground. Your goal is to push them all down. This is easier said then done since when you push down one peg several others go up and down too. This part may be trial and error, so don't give up.
Once all the pegs are down open the right cupboard over the counter and push the red button inside. The counter will move.
Turn to the screen with the tables.
Take the items off each table until you can pick up the tables. Examine the table you pick up and click the bottom of each table leg several times. If nothing happens repeat the process on every table leg until one of them comes off and you can pick up a key inside of it.
Take the note from the ride side of the counter that has the cheese on top and make note of the letters.
Turn to the bulletin board with the VIP cards and match the letters to the VIP names. Add up
the client IDs of the four clients on the note. Use that number on the safe you revealed earlier, then use the key on the safe.
Take the money from the top and bottom of the safe. Also take the trap door key.
Try to use the trapdoor key on the hole in the floor. It will break.
Turn to the screen with the sink.
Over the sink there is a carving fork. Take it.
There is a police officer at the front door now. Use the knife on him and he will knock it out of your hand. Use the carving fork on him and he will jump. This exposes his club. Try to click the club when he jumps to take it.
Use the club in the hole in the floor. It will open a door behind the pantry.
Click it to escape. Congratulations. You are done.
Thanks to Sanitarium and AzNxEvE29 on Nordinho for their hints at the end.
I can't get the oven mitts to work. Do I have to do something tricky? Each time I try to use one I get a mmm noise.FIRST SOLVER OF THE BOGGLING TRILOGY
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Top 10: Hock, Heoto, Cerberus, ShiningStar, Hunter
The Inter-Continental Dream-Team: Vivi, Sumitra, Hunter, Shiningstar, BizarroChick, Monkey
you have to use the second oven mitt to take out the pizza
the tray sits in like a shelf in the oven so click the middle right side
The ketchup problem... i had myself. I think i just forgot to use the rolling pin twice. Thats what happens when ur click happy!
I cant figure out the code for the safe. There was a note mentioned to figure it out but for the life of me i cant find it!
... unless im being really stupid
edit: lol power of posting! i was being really stupid. it was under my nose!