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Escape Ecru Room

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  • #16
    i can't give the guy the pizza now what?!
    GO PENGUINS!!!Loud and Proud!87

    Harry Potter Is amazing!!!


    • #17
      I keep getting ripped off by a guy matching the correct description. Twice he's done it now. same guy. He ain't getting another pizza.
      Don't Drink's a laundry detergent!


      • #18
        Originally posted by *~shiningstar~* View Post
        mine wont either

        ok it went up some, takes a while

        I have been waiting since yesterday morning for my dough to rise but ... nothing. Is there anything else i have to do? It is risen slightly but i can't remove it.

        I am like a clown...
        I have that teardrop stuck on my face for years.
        However everyone believes that it's just part of my
        special make-up ...


        • #19
          It takes a long time to rise (over a minute). There aren't any other steps to remove it. You just have to be patient. There is a lot of waiting in this game.


          • #20
            Originally posted by jack View Post
            It takes a long time to rise (over a minute). There aren't any other steps to remove it. You just have to be patient. There is a lot of waiting in this game.
            over a minute?
            i am waiting here over a day. Really! Thanks anyway. I have to restart I guess, or quit...

            I am like a clown...
            I have that teardrop stuck on my face for years.
            However everyone believes that it's just part of my
            special make-up ...


            • #21
              Great game!! Thanks for posting it!!
              And more, thanks for the walkthrough!!
              Online family
              Brothers : Party 4 ever and Yorick
              Sister : Mcakkay
              Sister-in-law : Nefertiti
              Nieces & Nephews : Suzy, Virgo, Zillah and Themolestarted

              Member of GFARDTO

              The leopard of Looney Bin

              I'm back!!!! Yaay!!! I missed you all!!!!


              • #22
                To get the dough to rise, turn around a few times......that is click each scene twice and it should have risen.
                Don't Drink's a laundry detergent!


                • #23
                  hi ... this is my first time writing here .... i always paly escape game

                  can any body help me plz
                  when i make the pizza put customers keep changing !!!!!!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by jack View Post
                    Walkthough if anybody gets stuck

                    Thanks to Sanitarium and AzNxEvE29 on Nordinho for their hints at the end.
                    i tried to put the tray in the oven but it wont go in


                    • #25
                      I can't get the oven mitts to work. Do I have to do something tricky? Each time I try to use one I get a mmm noise.
                      Try my new riddle:
                      Top 10: Hock, Heoto, Cerberus, ShiningStar, Hunter

                      The Inter-Continental Dream-Team: Vivi, Sumitra, Hunter, Shiningstar, BizarroChick, Monkey


                      • #26
                        I cant seem to get the ketchup onto the finished dough!! Ive been trying for ever and even restarted!!!


                        • #27
                          you have to use the second oven mitt to take out the pizza

                          the tray sits in like a shelf in the oven so click the middle right side

                          The ketchup problem... i had myself. I think i just forgot to use the rolling pin twice. Thats what happens when ur click happy!

                          I cant figure out the code for the safe. There was a note mentioned to figure it out but for the life of me i cant find it!

                          ... unless im being really stupid

                          edit: lol power of posting! i was being really stupid. it was under my nose!


                          • #28
                            I don't have any customers? They don't want my pizzas?
                            (I don't blame them lol)
                            THANKS FOR THE HELP!


                            • #29
                              Are there two keys or something because i found:

                              but it isn't working
                              I escape games!


                              • #30
                                From the walkthrough

                                Btw, you find the link to the walkthrough in the first post if you like to check it

