gat game is sooo easy how can anyone be stuck?!!! lol u bunch of mongs !! lol
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Get Out! (One Simple Room v.1)
Fullly Explained Walkthrough!!!
Go to Get out! One Simple Room
1. Turn on the lights (Don't worry, there is only 1 screen!)
2. get the cup ontop of the tv.
3. there should be a black liquid falling from the cellieng. Click the cup and right when it is about to fall, click it. (make sure u dont click the puddle! and also, dont worry if u dont get it the first time, its hard!)
4. click behind the red book, there is a battary. Pick it up.
5. click the left leg of the tv, there is a remote. Pick it up.
6. click the 3rd button on the tv, its a coin.
7. click the white spot below the tv. Its an outlet. Click the coin and then the right screw on the outlet, it will open. There is a key inside, pick it up!
8. when you go out, there is a little dot under the outlet, it is a screw, pick it up.
9. use the key to unlock the closet.
10. pick up the hanger, the battary and the phone. ( in the drawer...use the black goo to open the stuck drawer!)
11. Put the hanger on top of the tv in the little hole. Then plug in the tv and put the battaries in the remote. There will be an ad on tv when u turn it on.
12. Click the plant and u will get a leaf. (dont worry, this takes a while 2!)
13. click the little space between the cord connected to the phone. Put the leaf in it and the screw over top and then put the phone in the receiver and wait until the light turns green.
14. then take the phone and click it onto the turned on tv, it will call a lock smith.
15. he will come and ask u for a coin. He will give u some pliers. (now here comes the tricly part, so pay attention!)
16. Take the hanger from the tv (you can turn it off) click the hanger in ur inventory and the the pliers (that u should have picked up and r in ur inventory right now!) It should bend the hanger, (if it doesnt work, try clicking them the other way around)
17. Use the pliers to get the broom (behind the closet, click the left side) and knock over the plant.
18. go back behind the closet and colect the dirt.
19. get the 2nd botton off the tv with the pliers and go back behind the closet and collect the water.
20. then go to the box on the shelf with the books.
21. Click the white thing 2 times and it should be air.
22. then take the water and click the blue one, that is water
23, then take the dirt and click the brown one, that is earth
24 (trciky) tear apart the broom with the pliers and go to the outlet, out the straw from the broom in the outlet and quikly go back to the box and click the burning straw then the red one, this is fire. (careful, the straw burns FAST!)
25. go to the main room and click the top of the box, it opens!
26. then give ur coin to the lock smith and go back to the box and collect another coin and give it to him, then another, then another until u get to this coin that doesnt look like a circle (4th coin)
27. go to the closet and click the coin then the bottom drawer, the key will mold
28. then click the molded key onto the light and it will be stiff.
29. go back to the closet and open the bottom drawer and pick up a magnet
30. Go the the coin box and use the magnet on it, you will get a coin! give the coin to the locksmith and he will unlock the door, then click the door and u r FFFFFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!