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Get Out! (One Simple Room v.1)

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  • haha thanks

    if there is anyone who cant finish the game with that walkthrough there...ur a complete and total moron...that was a perfect walkthrough. I'm sure he (or she) took a long time to do it...I only needed it for one you guys shouldnt be studying it like it was worht a million dollars....thanks again dude!!!!!!!!!!( or dudeette)
    life comes at you fast, if you dont stop and look around for a minute you might miss it!!


    • Walkthrough

      Hey, the second battery is inside the closet.
      To open the closet you need a key.
      The key is in the electric thing down the tv.
      TO open it use the coin to unscrew.
      Pick the screw.
      Put the leaf you've picked from the plant in the phone cords and then the screw.
      Open the closet and pick the "hook"
      The hook is like the antenna of the tv.
      Click on the phone and then in the phone number on tv.
      To turn on TV, batteries to the control (located underneath the table), one in the left book one in the closet.
      Call the key man and he will ask for a coin, which is in the little box.
      The little box is opened with air provided by you clicking on the white part.
      Fire, when the man gives you some tool, you use it to the hanger "hook" and then pick the broom.
      With the tool on the broom pick some straws and put them on the electric supply of the tv (unplug it 1st)
      Some "land", "earth" or "mold" you find in the back of the closet, previously push the plant with the broom.
      With the same tool pick the TV broken button and put water on it (water from the plant).
      The water in the blue spot on the box.
      Now the box should be opened.
      Pick a coin and make the soft key and warm it with the bulb.
      Open the drawer, pick the magnet, pick a coin from the box and give it to othe man.
      That's it.

      Sorry for the order, i'm trying to remember.

      The cup with the drops of oil to help the first drawer inside the closet.



      • how do u move around in the game?


        • I have the same problem - I can't move right or left at all...reloaded the game many times - any thoughts...


          • One Screen People!!! Only One Screen! U Cant Move Right And U Cant Move Left. The First Screen U See In This Game Is The Only Screen In This Game.


            • I can't turn on the light !!!!!


              • help!!! I'm tired of clicking everywhere!!!


                • got it!!


                  • Had the game with-out looking at walkthrough in 1hr. Now I have a bald spot on each side of my head. God bless the guy who invented caps!! Not a bad game played worse


                    • red spot?

                      whr is the red spot??


                      • partial walkthrough for the common questions

                        get the pliers by ringing the locksmith.
                        to do this u get the fone off the hook and click the working tv
                        use this on the hangar to get the broom
                        use broom on plant pot which spills water down back of cupboard.
                        use pliers on tv buttons 2 get something 2 collect water 4 box thing!!!!

                        I dont know where the straw is though can sum 1 elp


                        • Thank you!!

                          For the one who thought of not going to give any more walkthroughs: PLEASE DO!!! Thanks to you I finished the game, and I think the people who still don't know how to finish have got a problem with their eyes or somthing


                          • oh my gosh! that was madness.. how can anybody possibly solve it without havin clues?! u're great! haha anyway the black fluid was so impossible. i almost wanted to close the window but decided to give it 1 last shot. *phew* it was sucha waste of time, but the excitment of gettin out of the room was awesome haha.


                            • How do I turn on the light?

                              Please someone help, I can't turn on the light


                              • how do u get da leaf an da fone card an it wont let me use da coin an cup 4 owt!!!

