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Get Out! (One Simple Room v.1)

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  • i cant get da oil

    plz sum1 elp ive been trin 4 ages

    the walk through iz really helpfull

    thx vry much 4 da elp


    • use magnet to find coin


      • Originally posted by Unregistered
        ok where is the screw and the second battery and the key for the cupboard and the pliers
        ive got a remote wid 1 battery a cup full of oil i connected the phone cord with the leaf and coin i plugged in t.v now im stuck
        plz help or just give me a walkthrough if youve got further than i am now
        where is the remote first of all?


        • none

          1. turn on the lights
          2. take cup on TV
          3. take leaf from plant on closet
          4. take coin (it's the lowest button on TV)
          5. pic up remote control under TV table (left side)
          6. take battery 1 from book shelf (far left)
          7. use coin on socket underneath right corner of TV (click on screw until the panel comes off and reveals a key)
          8. while panel came off, the screw fell to the floor. Pick it up.
          9. zoom in (with no item selected!) on the missing spot of the phone line (about mid-wall)
          10. use leaf and then screw on the spot, to connect the line
          11. and now the hardest part: Fill your cup with the dripping liquid by clicking on the drop falling (I got it, by doing it on about the same height, as the phone base is)
          12. open closet with key
          13. use liquid on top drawer to make it smooth
          14. take phone
          15. take battery no.2 (the red little spot)
          16. take hanger
          17. put batteries in remote control
          18. hang phone on base (until the light becomes green)
          19. plug in TV again
          20. use remote on TV and put hanger as antenna on top of TV
          21. pick up phone again and use it on TV (call the TV ad, will lead to a conversation)
          22. after a short while, the man comes knocking at ur door and will leave u the pliers. pic them up
          23. take hanger from TV and use pliers on it to deform it
          24. go behind closet and use deformed hanger on broom
          25. use pliers on broom
          26. use broom stick on plant to knock it over
          27. use pliers on 2nd TV button
          28. go behind closet again and pick up dirt from the plant
          29. fill 2nd TV button with dripping water
          30. go to chest and zoom in on the lock
          31. click several times on white, until u sigh (that will be the air)
          32. use water filled button on blue and dirt on brown
          33. go back to TV socket and unplug TV again
          34. use the straw and put it in the socket, so it will catch fire
          35. use fire on the red part of the lock (u have to be quite quick, before the straw burnt down)
          36. open chest
          37. give the coin u already have to the man outside the door by clicking underneath the door (because u can only have one coin at the time)
          38. pick up next coin and do the same, until u pick up the silver one that is not completely round and is of a soft metal
          39. use this coin on the locked drawer, it will mold to a key
          40. to make the key hard, use it on the light bulb
          41. now open the lowest drawer with this key and get the magnet
          42. use the magnet on the chest, it will give u the right coin
          43. pass this coin under the door and u will be free

          good luck and remember not to drink too much next time... : )


          • how do u find the second key av tried clickin on top of thefirst drawer in the closet but it doesnt work


            • what to do with cup.

              you put the clcik on the cup and when the liquid comes you click the liquid!!!


              • help

                i cant reach the plant pot to get the leaf, what do i do?? please help


                • i have the coin n iv tried clickin on it and clickin on the socket but it doesnt do i screw the coin in?


                  • Originally posted by Unregistered
                    i have the coin n iv tried clickin on it and clickin on the socket but it doesnt do i screw the coin in?
                    you have to click on the left screw on the socet


                    • ok i give up where do you find the water for the small cup/knob ?


                      • Complete Walkthrough

                        First, got to the locked chest on the shelf, and click it. It'll give you 4 colored slots, click on the white for a while. Then, turn on the light. Then get the blue cup. Then click on the plant to get a leaf. Click the bottom button on the T.V. and you get a coin. Then go to the book shelf, and to the left is a book and a space, click the space, there's a battery. Then click under the T.V. and you'll get the remote. Click on the outlet under the T.V. and use the coin form the T.V. and you'll remove the white part and a screw will fall. Take the key, plug in the T.V. and then get to the full view of the room and pick up the screw. Then unlock the Wardrobe. Thake the hanger and the battery. Put the Hanger on top of the T.V. and put the batteries in the remote. Turn on the T.V. and you'll get an add. Then find the phone and follow the cord. Then look for a gap in the cord and put the leaf on it. Then take the screw and put that on the goo. Now, take your blue cup and fill it up with the black oil. *YOU HAVE TO CATCH THE OIL*. Then take the oil and use it on the stuck drawer in the wardrobe. There you get the phone. *PUT THE PHONE ON THE PHONE BASE!!!! IT HAS TO CHARGE. WAIT UNTIL THE RED BUTTON IS GREEN* Then once the phone base is green, take the phone, and click on the T.V. *THE T.V. HAS TO BE ON* Then you call the locksmith. He's asking for a coin. *YOU DON'T HAVE THE COIN! BUT YOU STILL HAVE TO GIVE HIM THE COIN YOU HAVE* Then he gives you pliers. Use the pliers on the T.V. buttons, you'll get a hollow one. Then remove the hanger from the T.V. and use the pliers on the hanger. Use the hanger to get the broom, use the broom to knock over the Pot. Then look behinde the wardrobe, where the broom was and pick up the dirt, then get some water with the hollow button *JUST CLICK THE WATER* Then go to the locked chest and put the dirt in the brown slot and the water in the blue one. Then use the pliers on the broom. It'll give you straws and a broom stick. Got to the T.V. outlet, unplug the T.V. and use the straws in the outlet. That gives you the red slot, FIRE. *YOU HAVE TO GO FAST. THE FIRE BURNS OUT* Then open the chest. it gives you coins. *USE THE COINS ON THE LOCKED DRAWER IN THE WARDROBE!!!! ON COIN WILL MOLD INTO A KEY!!!!!!! ONCE YOU HAVE THE KEY SHAPE!!! HOLD IT UP TO THE HOT LIGHTBULB!!! IT'LL MOLD IT!!!!!!!!* Then get into the drawer and you'll get a magnet. Use the magnet on the chest with the coins, and it'll give you the coin the locksmith wants. The YOU'RE OUT!!!!!


                        • Show walkthrough


                          • straws

                            Hey! for any1 who can't get the straws, all you do is use the pilers on the broom to cut off the bristle (aka the straws).


                            • Originally posted by Unregistered
                              You must click on the drops who are falling down..... don't give up clicking on it!
                              there is no action. how often i had to click? how do i get the phone card?


                              • Hhhheeeelllppp

                                Originally posted by Unregistered
                                is there a 2nd battery for the remote to turn on the tv
                                How on earth do u get the phone cord and battery

