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Get Out! (One Simple Room v.1)

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  • Originally posted by Unregistered
    How on earth do u get the phone cord and battery
    phone cord is that line coming down from the phone.. the battery is behind the book on the left.. grab a leaf from the plant.. u gotta click like mad to find it.. then use the leaf on that hole.. the last button on the tv is a coin.. goto the white spot on the bottom right of the tv and click the coin and then the left screw.. after it comes off take the key and grab the screw that fell off then put it on the phonecord with the goop


    • I Cant Get The Black Stuff On The Screw And I Cant Get The Leaf In The Phone Core Thing Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp


      • Is there a way that'll surely work with these drops we have to catch, like a tips that'll work 100% ??? I'm tired to try catching the drops!! Will the drop won't reach the bottom when you catch it? Please!


        • Originally posted by Unregistered
          Is there a way that'll surely work with these drops we have to catch, like a tips that'll work 100% ??? I'm tired to try catching the drops!! Will the drop won't reach the bottom when you catch it? Please!
          I haven't found any That's the most annoying part of the game. I tried for ages and couln't believe when I finally managed to catch the drops...


          • [COLOR=Magenta]why am i so rubbish at escape the room games i cant do them whit out all yous lovley peps helping lol [/COLOR]


            • Originally posted by Unregistered
              i have remote with battery, leaf, empty cup and coin and i have done 1 part of the lock and don't know what to do now!
              it is so easy the game !! use the cup and fill it up with the black liquid ! hen used the coin to screw the cap where you plug the tv now keep going not telling anything else anyquestieons write me to bye


              • where is the remote


                • Originally posted by Unregistered
                  where is the remote

                  under the tv


                  • help

                    how do you turn it wont let me


                    • Originally posted by Unregistered
                      how do you turn it wont let me
                      You can't turn, it's "one simple room" with only 1 screen. There's a walkthrough in post #191


                      • thank god!

                        omg i finally get out of tt freaking room.


                        • OK, look... the thing that no one has mentioned in this entire thread is that you have to be EXTREMELY precise with your clicking.

                          For example: to ge the leaf from the plant on top of the closet, you have to click on one tiny spot on one exact leaf. It's the second leaf from the left, click on the very end of the leaf to get it.

                          Here's a very, very detailed walkthrough:

                          1. Turn on the light.
                          2. Grab the cup off the top of the TV.
                          3. Click on the lowest yellow button on the TV. It's actually a coin.
                          4. On the far left end of the bookshelf, you'll see an orange book with green tabbing on the binding. There is a battery behind this book. You must click on the 'line' of the shelf going into the book, near the book binding to get the pop-up window that will show the battery.
                          5. The TV stand has four visible legs. Click on the second leg from the left. A pop-up window will show you the TV remote. Grab it. You need a second battery for it, which is in the 'closet'. We'll get to that in a minute.
                          6. Get the leaf from the plant on the top of the 'closet'. The leaf you need to click on is the second 'drooping' leaf from the left... it's hanging over the edge of the pot. Click towards the end of the leaf, it will break off.
                          7. Underneath the TV, on the right, you'll see the bottom of the outlet plate barely visible. Click on it, it's just below the 'speaker' on the TV. You need to use the coin you got off the TV set and click on each screw on the face plate. They will fall off, as will the faceplate. Inside the exposed plug box, you'll find the key to the closet. Before you leave this window, plug the TV in. Do this by clicking on the plug hanging from beneath the TV.
                          8. Grab the screw that fell on the floor. It will be a tiny speck next to the far right leg of the TV stand.
                          9. Use the leaf on the broken phone cord (yes, CORD, not "card", which has appeared many times in this thread. There is NO phone CARD). The phone cord is that black line running from the phone to the floor. You need to click where the line is broken. This will open up a new little window. Place the leaf on the broken portion of the cord. This will make a 'goo'. Put the screw in the goo. This will fix the phone line. You now need to get the handset.
                          10. Use the key on the closet lock. Open the closet. Grab the hangar and the second battery, which is the tiny red spot on top of the two lower drawers.
                          11. NOW! Here's the tricky part... getting the black liquid in the cup to un-stick the top drawer. To do this, you need to click on the DROP of liquid, not the puddle. You need to click on the drop as it is falling. I found this easiest way to do this was to place the mouse just below half-way down the closet. Click when the drop hits your mouse (make sure you have the cup SELECTED).
                          12. Use you new cup of black liquid on the top drawer. This will open it and reveal the phone receiver. Put the receiver on the phone base. You'll see the light on the base blink red a few times, then switch to green.
                          13. Take the wire hangar and place it in the 'dish' on the top of the TV. It looks like a blue dogfood bowl.
                          14. Put the batteries in the remote, and use the remote on the TV. You'll see an ad for a Locksmith. Pick up the handset for the phone and use it on the TV. Enjoy the silly conversation with the 'locksmith'. Now just wait. Eventually the locksmith will knock on the door. Enjoy strange conversation where the locksmith tells you he's looking for a specific coin (no, not the one in your inventory). He'll slip you the pliers under the door.
                          15. Grab the pliers, and then grab the hangar from the top of the TV again.
                          16. Use the pliers on the hangar, which will shape it into a long 'hook'. Use this hook to get the broom from behind the 'closet' (click on the space between the left of the 'closet' and the edge of the screen).
                          17. Use the pliers on the broom to get some straw. You'll use it later.
                          18. Use the broom handle on the plant, which will knock it over.
                          19. Use the pliers on the lower knob of the TV, which will detatch it.
                          20. Now you're ready to collect the 'keys' to the elemental lock-box on the bookshelf. For the 'water/blue' lock, click where you originally found the broom. You'll see the water dripping down the back of the 'closet'. Use the 'knob' from the TV on the water. This will hold some water. Now grab the dirt on the ground there, too. So now you have Water and Dirt.
                          21. Go to the elemental lock box (click on the multi-colored circle on the box on the shelf). Use the water on the blue section, the dirt on the brown section, and just click several times on the white section which will open it. Now all that is left is the Red/Fire section. This part is tricky.
                          22. Go to the TV outlet and unplug the TV. You're going to need to be fast here... put the straw in the outlet, which will catch fire. From then, RUN to the elemental lock, and place the now flaming (and disappearing!) straw into the Red section. This will unlock the chest.
                          23. Open the chest (by clicking on the LID, not the lock). Put the coin you currently have under the door. The locksmith will tell you it's not the right one. Grab another coin from the chest (you can only have 1 coin at a time). Continue this process until you see a really mangled looking silver coin with a "5" on it. It was the 4th coin for me, but that may change.
                          24. Take your mangled coin and open the closet... put the mangled coin in the keyslot on the lower drawer. Now you'll have a 'soft' key. Put that key on the lightbulb. This will harden it up. Use the hardened key in the lock. Open the drawer.
                          25. Grab the magnet out of the drawer, use it on the chest of coins, and the one the locksmith wants will pop out. Hand it under the door, you're Free!

                          You're welcome.


                          • omg i can not get that key out of that outlet well i got the first screw out then when i click on the second screw it says something like you cant use that there or something like that!! please help me


                            • Originally posted by please help
                              omg i can not get that key out of that outlet well i got the first screw out then when i click on the second screw it says something like you cant use that there or something like that!! please help me
                              Did ya use the coin to unscrew it? And....
                              Did ya take the screw off the floor?
                              Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
                              Looney GHer!


                              • the most difficult part about that was the fire i dint realise what i had to do with it, you have to be really quick gettin the burning straws to the lock, click on the chest lock first and click on the fire after otherwise the fire just goes out.

