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80 Shumiration - Murine escaping game

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  • #31
    Originally posted by brainisdead View Post
    theres an escape game here?
    I think not. just some effing weird games with a mouse in them.
    follow the directions on the first post to get the escape game.
    I live in the messed up world of my mind. I love final fantasy. My favorite anime is Gundam Wing.

    2 riddles made so far.

    Visit Wings of Twilight for some good rping!


    • #32
      I'm missing one item, the third one on the top and did anyone figure out what to do with
      the cockroaches under the sink. I really want to anhilate them, they're gross!

      NVM found my last item!


      • #33
        the game starts up with a countdown ,over and over again ,what im i doing wrong ? the mouses eyes are funny following the curser though


        • #34
          try clicking on the japanese characters (red) on the left side instead of the right, it worked for me.


          • #35
            all i see are green sings up, mouse with funny eyes and a countdown with a green singn left under. cant click anything during countdown

            gonna try 10 more times and then give up

            right ,thats it ,im gone
            Last edited by old biker; 03-08-2008, 23:13:13.


            • #36
              what do you do with scissors?

              I'm just missing the thing between the squid and the can ...I have the gift scissors, 2 cards what do I do now! please help

              nevermid...I just finished the game! yay!
              Last edited by Mistery; 03-10-2008, 19:31:25. Reason: MAKING MORE THAN 1 POST IN A ROW IS AGAINST THE RULES, EDIT YOUR POST IF NECESSARY.


              • #37
                Originally posted by old biker View Post
                all i see are green sings up, mouse with funny eyes and a countdown with a green singn left under. cant click anything during countdown

                gonna try 10 more times and then give up

                right ,thats it ,im gone
                When the game loads up, click the far right of the green box, not the middle, not the left, the far right. The mouse will say something else and then you will get two options, click the left red word. The game will start up. If you click the middle or left of the green box, you will be taken to some freaky looking game thing where the mouses eyes will move with the cursor.
                I live in the messed up world of my mind. I love final fantasy. My favorite anime is Gundam Wing.

                2 riddles made so far.

                Visit Wings of Twilight for some good rping!


                • #38


                  • #39
                    I don't know what to use as a code. What was posted earlier didn't work...

                    EDIT**Yes they do. They do work. It's me that doesn't work . Doh.


                    • #40


                      • #41
                        where is the last part of the code ?????


                        • #42
                          It's all in post #10 on the first page of this thread.


                          • #43
                            This game is realllllllly weird. I'm in the room with the cake and the mouse on the swing. One door leads back to the original room (house?). The other leads to a website. I'm missing two items, the third, and the fifth (under the beer, to the left of the gloves).

                            The worst part is, is I don't think I could tell someone else where these things are again.
                            Don't forget you are awesome.


                            • #44


                              • #45
                                This was my ending lol
                                Attached Files

                                Loki, God of destruction

