how'd u open da packet of noodles?
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Escape M3106
I understand Chinese, and I have to say this is the worst escape game I've ever played... but for those who still want to pass the game, here is the walkthrough:
Take the cupIt says the cup is too dirty to be used directly.
Click on the screen of the monitor, it shwo that you have to input a 6 digits password, just leave it for now.
Turn right. Take the chopstick on the upper left corner.It says the chopstick has a letter "R" on it.
Trun right. Check the schedule on the wall.It says there is a written that says: "password is 64", but before 64 is a number that is illegible, and after that was torn away.So the password must be *64**.
Turn right. Take the chopstick on the left border.It says the chopstick has a letter "L" on it.
Take the roll of PE film.
Turn right. Take the book.
Turn right. Open the door of the cabinet, take out the box.IT says if I have enough strength then I could open it.
Open the drawer, take the instant noodle.
Now click on command "use", and click on the chopstick with "L" and then the one with "R".You'll get a pair of chopstick (stupid).
Click on the cup then the PE film.You'll get the cup enveloped by PE film, now you can put water in it, because it was too dirty...
Click on the instant noodle to put it into the cup.
Go to the drinking machine and fill it with hot water.Hot water is on the left side.
Click on the book the put it on the top of the cup.It'll accelerate the cooking (stupid again).
Wait for a while, the book will be removed.
Goto the monitor with a cupped gasket, then put the cup on it.It'll with reveale a number 6 on the screen of the monitor.
Click on the chopstick and the noodle to get them together.
Unselect the "use" command and investigate the noodle, now you can eat it.
Now you have recovered the strength, go investigate the box.You found a bloody number 3.
You know the password is *64**.The hint for first digit is the format of the schedule, it looks like a 6.Second number you found is 6 on the screen of the monitor.Third hint is the bloody 3.So you got 66463 as password.
Goto the computer and input the password.You'll see a stupid video.
You see some guy locked the door and hid the key, slide the mouse along the right line of the door, there is a very small point, the mouse will change into a hand, click there to get the key.
Take the key and click on the lock
It says: "Game Over. Congratulations! You've successfully got out the room of the M**** of HR". (Don't know the meaning). (It also left two questions). Question 1: What is the dormitory room number? Question 2: What is the name of the criminal?
The game is stupid because the narrative words are always superposed, make them difficult to be read, and the language used in the game is the lowest level. Alsothe video shows a man locking the door and hid the key, so where is the man? And that kind of locks is not supposed to be locked that way. What are purposes of those final questions???