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The Thief

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  • #46
    wooo! $6975 worth of goods not so hard
    even when the sun is shining, it's pouring acid rain


    • #47
      Didn't anyone noticed that when you play again the score don't start over with zero (00000). The score counts through, so how higher your score, the more times you have played again.


      • #48
        What i do after get the first key (at the brown door in the floor of the first room) and the paper??? Please help me im stuck


        • #49
          basic walkthrough

          I WON!!! I stole ?10720 worth of stuff!!!!!

          first steal everything in all rooms then go to the kitchen, in the fridge is a roast and if you look carefully there is a line (a key) then go in the front room click on the red key then the drawers will open and you take everything from them and 1 thing will be a box, if you click on the box then the keys and then the box again then you will have a blue key, this will get you out!!


          • #50
            i got $3645 that sucked i was so scared i didnt know what to take or what to do


            • #51
              Yay that took a couple of minutes and some help but i got it!!
              good job there!

              and i got 7074 worth of stolen items!! pshh im such a good thief!!
              Go Me!!
              Last edited by Yvonne; 10-28-2010, 22:03:24. Reason: Merged Posts
              Sister Dia <3
              Elite Member of GFARDTO

              Why Are YOU Worrying about You-Know-Who?
              You SHOULD Be Worrying About
              U-NO-POO -
              the CONSTIPATION SENSATION That's Gripping the Nation!

              Why so Serious?


              • #52

                i have got 15505, yes i,m out!!!! BIG FUN!!!


                • #53
                  i guess you're from holland, right???
                  Dream as if you'll Live forever, Live as if you'll Die today

                  Ubi Gamershood, Caritas et Amor ibi est

                  Member of CST-Experiments team: Science Stable Supervisor !

                  With online mom Lilli and sisters EscapeGirl and Doglover!



                  • #54
                    I love how you can steal the plants. Like,***


                    • #55
                      too funny of a game..


                      • #56
                        finally got out took me 5 game though


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by OneBun



                          • #58
                            finished anyone any Q's?


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Unregistered
                              errrm i dont mean to moan, but how did the thief get in??

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                              To check your connection settings, click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. On the Connections tab, click Settings. The settings should match those provided by your local area network (LAN) administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).
                              See if your Internet connection settings are being detected. You can set Microsoft Windows to examine your network and automatically discover network connection settings (if your network administrator has enabled this setting).
                              Click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options.
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                              Cannot find server or DNS Error
                              Internet Explorer
                              is wot it comes up wit
                              MR BLOB SAYS HI!!!!

                              My GH family
                              SIS- Rima...
                              BRO- PRATIK732006...

                              And BEST Friend- Doglover


                              • #60
                                Just have a little patience, the server seems to be down right now, that can happen.

