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Kangaroo Room Escape

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  • Kangaroo Room Escape

    Kangaroo Room Escape is another Japanese room escape game from Sakura. You are locked in a room. Find items and use them in the right place in order to escape. Good luck!!

    Please use spoilers to give hints:
    [spoiler=Title Here]Enter text here...[/spoiler]

    Click Here To Play!!

    Cℓĭck Here to pℓαγ "Tђє First Door"
    tђє мost cђαℓℓєηgĭηg oηℓĭηє qυєst.

    "We don't stop playing games because we grow old,
    we grow old because we stop playing games"

  • #2
    Yay! Thanks, Becky!!! *rushes off to play*


    I have


    • #3
      Perfect End but the game doesn't seemed finished. *shrug*


      • #4
        Okay, I'm still at the same spot I was when I last posted. Any help? I have found a


        • #5

          Full time player, some time lurker, part time poster



          • #6
            Hi escape!
            I have

            I need something to
            Online family
            Brothers : Party 4 ever and Yorick
            Sister : Mcakkay
            Sister-in-law : Nefertiti
            Nieces & Nephews : Suzy, Virgo, Zillah and Themolestarted

            Member of GFARDTO

            The leopard of Looney Bin

            I'm back!!!! Yaay!!! I missed you all!!!!


            • #7
              Oh!! How did I miss that!! Thank you, Bad Kitty! I'm out now too! But I am also wonderfing if maybe I should have found a kangaroo or something.

              Good game, though.

              EDIT: Hi dia dear.


              • #8
                @ dia

                there is a

                @ escape girl

                I did find a kangaroo behind the large bookcase after

                but I can't find door to leave!

                Edit: NM, found it. OUT!
                Full time player, some time lurker, part time poster



                • #9
                  thank you both!
                  I thought i had clicked there!
                  Nice game!
                  Online family
                  Brothers : Party 4 ever and Yorick
                  Sister : Mcakkay
                  Sister-in-law : Nefertiti
                  Nieces & Nephews : Suzy, Virgo, Zillah and Themolestarted

                  Member of GFARDTO

                  The leopard of Looney Bin

                  I'm back!!!! Yaay!!! I missed you all!!!!


                  • #10
                    Yay! I'm out without help lol. =D
                    A: Guys! There's no 'I' in TEAM.
                    B: Well, there's no 'U'(you) either.
                    Roses are red,
                    Violets are blue.
                    I'm so glad that
                    colors weren't wasted on you.



                    • #11
                      cant find any thing got knife and a coin need help *confused*
                      got a stick thing still need help and a blue thing thats all *crying*
                      PlP sHoUlD bEdIfFeReNt oThEr wISe ThE world would be boring hahaha


                      • #12
                        Need a little help here... I can't seem to find a door anywhere. I think I have done everything else, but am at a lose with the door.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sharna 94 View Post
                          cant find any thing got knife and a coin need help *confused*
                          got a stick thing still need help and a blue thing thats all *crying*
                          Hi Sharna! Check

                          Originally posted by jahorris View Post
                          Need a little help here... I can't seem to find a door anywhere. I think I have done everything else, but am at a lose with the door.
                          Hi Jahorris


                          • #14
                            thank you escapegirl, but I still cannot find it all I see

                            Nevermind, just found it! Thank you!


                            • #15
                              I am right there with you jahorris looking for the door. Shoo shoo kangaroo!

                              Edit: well jahorris just left thru the mystery door, now its must me and the roo in here.

