knife maybe in
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Ghost Escape
Well, I'm not good at being quiet - and even allowed my grandson to use his outdoor voice in my house when he was small *grin* - he would ask "can I use my outdoor voice here?" and I would yell back "YES IF I GET A HUG" - sounded like a good deal to me!
4 items .. only one view? - now 5 items without biting the big one. 6 now. and thunder here - need to see where. May have to unplug.
Well I'm out (after dinner and sitting on the porch and listening to the rain) - "Escape Again" on screen. But still in room .. guess the creator didn't care to draw the outside?Last edited by NannaJoy; 06-06-2008, 00:16:09.
Yes, this game makes trouble.
First I couldn't get the key like another member here. And everytime, I got a new thing in my inventroy, the ghost arrived, after that I could use the new thing. And now I'm still inside, the window must have thousands of pieces, so hard worked my glasscutter and the saw on it - the ghost didn't appear.
The idea is quiet good, but there are bugs.
Edit: And why can't I use the hammer on the window? That's what I would do in reallife, lol
escape again!! weeeee!!
wait a second..... why is the person still in the house after i escpaed?
I would be running and screaming like AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!
AND why would she run into the old cabin thing when outside the window there are some buildings? lol silly person! great game tho!!Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Sugar is Sweet
And so are You
Decisions Make the World Go Round
-grab key
-grab sock, hammer, and pink thing from the bookshelf
-cover hammer with sock, then use the hammer to break the clock
-grab scalpel from the clock
-drag the pink thing around the floor under the window until the floor can no longer become white
-click right corner of right rug, then click button
-drag left rug away and grab the saw
-drag table from right-hand side of screen toward the window
-use the key on the window
-use scalpel on both window panes
-use the saw on the wooden part of the window
-click window
-you are out
I Hope this helps!!
get key from under table and the pink soap, sock, and hammer from the shelf
put sock on hammer and use that to smash clock and get scaple
rub pink soap on the floor near right corner of window until you can't get any more white on the floor(may have to try several times)
click on the table in corner and drag it under window
put key in window
use scaple on both window glasses
click on top right corner of the right rug and click the button
drag the left rug and get saw
use saw on the wood part of the window
click the window and you're out!
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