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The Chronicles Of Sun City: Chapter 1 Cataclysm
use the blue thing on da blond dude upstairs, then go to the police station and use the blue thing on the computer ... (or was it the big screen?) in the room next to the bosses. Then use the blue thing on the guard downstairs
Done. Thanks Bip for the link to the walkthrough. It really helped in the end. Wonderful game but a bit difficult. Hope the next chapter come out soon.Cℓĭck Here to pℓαγ "Tђє First Door"
tђє мost cђαℓℓєηgĭηg oηℓĭηє qυєst.
Tarlang said...
1) Pick up the newspaper
2) go left, talk to guy about photo
3) touch poster
4) talk to police woman
5) go left twice
6) pick up blue device (it's a recorder)
7) go back to hallway
8) enter chief's room (oppsite side)
9) pick up camera
10) talk to chief (a new place will show up on the map)
11) go back to hallway
WARNING: after talking to chief do NOT go back to this room again, this will spoil your game!
12) go right three times
13) enter Northern lights
14) pick up card with paw on it (a new place will show up on the map)
15) go left, pick up white bottle from shelf
16) go right twice
17) enter Blackwood height
18) get starling from cage (you will need it later)
19) talk to nerd about everything
20) go right, talk to shop owner about everything. it is important that you specifically talk about the hamster, if it doesn't work out during the first conversation, try another time
21) go right, talk to blond man about everything, give him the white bottle (a new place will show up on the map), you will get an invitation to the club
22) go forward, left, forward
23) enter City center
24) talk to bar keeper about everything
25) talk to customer about everything, to his question about meatballs answer It will be ready in a second!
26) go left, give invitation to woman
27) talk to blond dude
28) go left, go forward left side (enter rest room)
29) take shovel, go back
30) go forward, right side, talk to couple
31) go left, talk to bouncer
32) go right twice, talk to player, go back
33) go left, talk to man guarding switches, go back, three times right
34) talk to bar keeper, get drink, take apple (optional)
35) exit, head back to Pet Shop, give bottle to clerk in last room, take dog food
36) head back to Police Headquarter, go left twice to kitchen and drag dog food on kitchen, you will prepare meat balls
37) head back to club, give meat balls to customer and listen to story about arcade room
38) exit, go to pet shop, talk to nerd in first room, ask about hamster (if he doesn't talk about the hamster, talk to shop owner again)
39) exit, head back to Northern lights, go to body and pick up bottle with pills
40) exit, head back to Police headquarter, drop pills in coffee cup next to guy at desk
41) take poster, head back to pet shop, trade poster for hamster
42) try to take hamster, owner refuses. go to back room, take snapshot of drinking guy, give that to shop owner, take hamster
43) exit, back to the club. go to arcade room and let the hamster do his job at the machine's cabling
44) when player is gone, click dead machine and read
45) exit tzhe club and go to City park, go left once, use shovel on rock, get key
46) exit park, go to pet shop, last room, use key on cage, get cat.
47) back to club, rinse cat in the sink in the rest room
48) pick up clean cat, go back outside and use cat on man next to switches
49) flip upper switch, go to bouncer on staff door, talk about party and being looking tired
50) back to dance floor, use your recording device on the muscular dude
51) back to your office, use recorder on computer
52) head to the club and use recorder on the bouncer
53) enter staff room, pick up contact sheet, go right, click third book from the right in top row, part of the story will be revealed
54) at the police headquarter, use contact sheet on phone in first room to lure the guy out of the club
55) the girl on the dance floor will now be alone, show your police badge to her
56) go to the park, once again left, talk to girl, two thugs will appear
57) place starling on branch overhead, bang
58) the end
walktrough from that site. incase there`s anyone here whose` PC doesn`t like too many multiple windows
just copy/pasted it, not mine- credit to the one who wrote it:dogfoot:MY ONLINE FAMILY::dogfoot:
HUBBY: party 4 ever:hug:
Proud MOM of: sweet grafitti ~virgo~:sla:,angel suzy:inc:,sparkling rose zillah0625:rose:,the diggin`themolestarted ;)
BROTHER in-law: Yorick:yayfox:
SISTERS in-law: dia :happyflower: and Mcakkay:happyflower:
:yaya:Please help my little dragon eggs hatch! :yaya:
an interesting game, but it could have used a bit more direction...some of the things were just out of left field with it...and I don't like that fact that some things would seem like hotspots, but you couldn't click on them to get any info...I'm addicted to escape games!
:elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye: :elephant: :elephantbye:
good game..
i liked the random giraff in the box.
GH's own Princess of Non-sense.
so polished, you're gleaming with light, too tempting, resisting with all of our might, blinded sould, our misguided flight, silence the demon's lethal appitite.
The disk is a recorder
Originally posted by Celeste View PostIm on this too...but I made a boo boo, I spoke to the officer again and lost my places...
I still have:
Badge, camera, blue disc?, spade, pet food, bird and apple, have given kiss of death drink to worker in petshop....but gotta restart due to losing site grrrLast edited by Yvonne; 10-28-2010, 13:20:24. Reason: Please use the Edit Post button instead of double posting