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The Mystery of Castle Wildenberg

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  • The Mystery of Castle Wildenberg

    Play game:

    Point and click adventure game.

    He who fights and runs away can run away another day.

  • #2
    how do u actually play this game? whereva i click it just comes up with a load of writing

    Last edited by Adventure; 07-26-2007, 21:44:27. Reason: Merged posts


    • #3
      Originally posted by hgf
      how do u actually play this game? whereva i click it just comes up with a load of writing
      click the Englsi flag, after that click the "play game" on the menu


      • #4
        pretty nice


        • #5
          Has anyone achieved anything yet? I gotten the apple, talked my way past the robber, swapped the apple for the jester's hat, gone to the castle and died of thirst.


          • #6
            Where did you meet the Jester? I have only managed to get the apple and get past the robber, then i died in the castle dungeon.

            nevermind, i found the jester. I also found a yellow flower, and a well where i drank some water. Now i need to eat something and find a way to light the fire to cook the pig...
            Last edited by OneBun; 04-20-2007, 02:08:00. Reason: merged posts


            • #7
              Any idea how to get the damsel to talk to you, get wine for the guard, get into the seller, or... most anything in the castle? ^^;;

              Originally posted by n/a
              Any idea how to get the damsel to talk to you, get wine for the guard, get into the seller, or... most anything in the castle? ^^;;
              seller = cellar... hah hah, creepy freudian slip?
              Last edited by OneBun; 04-20-2007, 02:07:39. Reason: merged posts


              • #8
                Originally posted by n/a
                Any idea how to get the damsel to talk to you, get wine for the guard, get into the seller, or... most anything in the castle? ^^;;
                Yes, you need the jar (you get at beginning) then you need to grab the yellow flower on one of the trails to the castle, then you need to get a purple flower after you climb one of the walls inside the castle, give the flowers to the "crazy" lady (not the damsel) she will give you a key to the cellar, fill the jar with wine and give to the guard by the tower (with the stone of eternal bullshit).

                oh, and you need to scare the damsel and examine the broken mirror which causes pieces of it to fall into the cellar, they you can get the pieces, but i'm not sure what to do with them...

                Here is a site with a walkthrough (off of the game's forum page). Since it's all in german, i suggest you use a translation site to better understand it. Also, this walkthrough has maps of all areas, an added bonus.


                Translation site:

                hope this helps...
                Last edited by OneBun; 04-20-2007, 02:07:17. Reason: merged posts


                • #9
                  Hm, it says in the walkthrough you have to go to the "rain container" (?). (Zisterne)

                  I can't seem to find it. There should be a jug by it that you can use to take water from the stream.


                  • #10
                    They are talking about the cistern. You need to keep going east after the first fork in the road. Then click on the flat ground to the right of the tree in hill in the background. You should see a whole cistern and a jar next to it.


                    • #11
                      SPOILER WARNING!!

                      If you put the text into, this is part of the read out:

                      would examine stonemason sign (above, sharpener arrow
                      u.), O, W, would examine stonemason sign (below, circle), O, N, W, would examine stonemason sign (above, round
                      arrow Potato eats, side gear, Nimm cheese goes, would examine opening, would examine Flacon, Nimm Flacon...

                      Anyhow, if anyone else is using this translation...what is meant by "side gear, Nimm cheese goes" and where are we?? The direction seems to be missing between looking for the stonemason sign and "side gear"



                      Ok...disregard my last question...I have a new one.

                      When you're near the brush, how do you pick up the flask?


                      Last edited by OneBun; 04-20-2007, 02:06:51. Reason: merged posts


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Aliana
                        SPOILER WARNING!!

                        If you put the text into, this is part of the read out:

                        would examine stonemason sign (above, sharpener arrow
                        u.), O, W, would examine stonemason sign (below, circle), O, N, W, would examine stonemason sign (above, round
                        arrow Potato eats, side gear, Nimm cheese goes, would examine opening, would examine Flacon, Nimm Flacon...

                        Anyhow, if anyone else is using this translation...what is meant by "side gear, Nimm cheese goes" and where are we?? The direction seems to be missing between looking for the stonemason sign and "side gear"



                        Okay, whenever it says "...goes" that means use the "go" button. Side gear refers to the corridor at the far right side of the cellar. After you TAKE (nimm) the cheese (mmm, cheese) you can see the falcon (you can try to take, but will fall, no worries...) then you need to leave the castle and go back to where you spoke to the jester. Examine the brush to the right of the
                        trail and you will see the same arrow slit with the falcon sitting there. Take the falcon and USE it in the jar with the wine in it (assuming you already put wine in the jar when you were in the cellar). Anything else?....OH! the stonemason sign is one of the bricks along the wall behind the guard that is watching the tower (it's a greenish color, sort of hard to find, but there). Hope this helps...


                        • #13
                          After you meet the merchant, continue north. You find a sad jester sitting on the side of the road. Talk to him and he'll cheer up. As one of the first things he says is he was sent out without food, give him the apple. He'll give you the jester hat in return. The guards will think you are the jester and let you into the castle.


                          • #14

                            I keep "starving" to death in the castle. How can I eat the pig?


                            • #15
                              once you get into the castle and see the fire pit with dead pig...

                              go West

                              then you will see a well - if you don't see scroll around the middle of the screen and the words will pop up.

                              Then click GO well
                              Then Click DRINK water


                              if you go east in the castle and then through the arch - you will most likely meet the king and he will want you to tell him a joke - tell him the one about the cannibal and then the canned food punchline - he then rewards you with a potatoe. I haven't figured out how to eat the pig yet but that will help.

                              Originally posted by flowboard
                              I keep "starving" to death in the castle. How can I eat the pig?
                              if you go east in the castle and then through the arch - you will most likely meet the king and he will want you to tell him a joke - tell him the one about the cannibal and then the canned food punchline - he then rewards you with a potatoe. I haven't figured out how to eat the pig yet but that will help.

                              Originally posted by Rimfire
                              Has anyone achieved anything yet? I gotten the apple, talked my way past the robber, swapped the apple for the jester's hat, gone to the castle and died of thirst.
                              once you get into the castle and see the fire pit with dead pig...

                              go West

                              then you will see a well - if you don't see scroll around the middle of the screen and the words will pop up.

                              Then click GO well
                              Then Click DRINK water
                              Last edited by OneBun; 04-20-2007, 02:06:18. Reason: merged posts

