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Hapland 3

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  • #16
    After three hours i finished it! Whitout walkthrough


    • #17
      Click on the fusebox for the item swapper.. I'm sorry, i lost you, my english is not th?t good, from the lines above i think the fusebox is the blue thing the ufo is floating above, but i dunno how to click on the fusebox, and what's an item swapper???

      please, some1???

      nvm got it, the fusebox is the thing next to the green arrow

      Close the item-swapper fusebox then swap to the bomb. now i'm stuck at this point, i haven't got a bomb in my items :O
      Dream as if you'll Live forever, Live as if you'll Die today

      Ubi Gamershood, Caritas et Amor ibi est

      Member of CST-Experiments team: Science Stable Supervisor !

      With online mom Lilli and sisters EscapeGirl and Doglover!



      • #18
        Finally another Hapland game! But I?m sort of stuck...

        *Doesn?t look at walkthrough*


        • #19

          i can't kill both flies. Only get the one. AAAAAAgghhh!!!


          • #20
            Originally posted by fiddypence
            i can't kill both flies. Only get the one. AAAAAAgghhh!!!
            first click the right one, that works better..

            8.TAKES GOOD TIMING! Click on the UFO next to the guy then QUICKLY click on the right yellow button below the guy to release the rolling rock. The UFO will instead abduct the ROCK instead of the MAN! The man goes and uses the toilet and releases the Red Potion Component Machine

            What yellow button do you mean? please help!


            • #21

              under the box


              • #22
                I can't shoot down the ufo...someone please help!!

                Yes!!! I got it!!11oneone!! finally


                • #23
                  my link isnt working its just black

                  any help?????????



                  • #24
                    "8.TAKES GOOD TIMING! Click on the UFO next to the guy then QUICKLY click on the right yellow button below the guy to release the rolling rock. The UFO will instead abduct the ROCK instead of the MAN! The man goes and uses the toilet and releases the Red Potion Component Machine"

                    I've tried this about ten times, still just end up with the man being abducted!


                    • #25
                      will somebody post a walk through
                      ThE CoOlEsT KaT EvEr


                      • #26
                        that walk through did ****


                        • #27
                          dammit, i messed up
                          I AM NOT PLAYING THIS GAME ANYMORE.
                          it ticks me of (

                          Originally posted by kooshballinator
                          dammit, i messed up
                          I AM NOT PLAYING THIS GAME ANYMORE.
                          it ticks me of (


                          • #28
                            OK, So that walkthro on p2 worked great untill the end-cant get any potion or watever to come out of the plumbing in the right hand cave!!! grrr! any1 else that far???


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Unregistered23
                              OK, So that walkthro on p2 worked great untill the end-cant get any potion or watever to come out of the plumbing in the right hand cave!!! grrr! any1 else that far???
                              Nope...all worked for me...make sure you eat the 2nd carrot, he has to have something in him to **** out to break the plumbing which exposes the potion dropping thingyamedoofree


                              • #30
                                finished it-it was indeed the second carrot that i wasn't eating...nicely full now!!!lol!

