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Deducting Deductions

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  • #31
    um help?

    Edit: eh nvm POP lol ty
    Birds are very unique animals... They're the only animals with white poo!!
    :bee: :chicken: :wc:

    Don't hate your family for embarassing you, it's their job!!!!
    :git: :ven: :wcj: :sla: :wee: :S


    • #32
      Fun to play this one again - been long enough that Ihad forgotten how it went.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Crimsonthread View Post
        I can't figure out what to do after I
        If you have seen the poison and letter with check Withdraw, you should go to the Scotland Yard to give the solution.
        Last edited by Benjamintank; 06-14-2013, 18:21:20.


        • #34
          Well it was pretty easy at first, but then the difficulty ramped up and I just had to quit. Loved the game though, starting music reminded me of Castlevania, which was nice.
          If you want to rebel against your parents, outlive them, outearn them, and know more than they do. -Henry Rollins

          If anybody has the ole Xbox Live, be sure to add me: ArchaicBread


          • #35
            Game is fussy...type addresses exactly (ie/ Capital if shown)....
            Got 3 bits of info. Now have address, phone number and names.
            Visited address got another name.
            Phoned, but it doesn't like vague addresses....
            Had to get help, and out (I was over thinking it).
            I like parts of the game but, other parts I didn't like.
            I didn't like repeating entries to chief as I got 2 of 3 parts.
            I didn't like reentering addresses/phone should have updated map.
            Last edited by graywolf; 06-21-2013, 16:17:23.

