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Magneto Syndrome
Take the key out of the pockets after you killed him.
Then open first cupboard on the right side on the wall (needs sometimes more than one click at the keyhole), let this thing fly into the cupboard with the chemical stuff and break the glass door of it.Then open second cupboard on the right with the same key, put glass on table, click on acid in the left cupboard.Let the table roll under the lamp looking thing, put the device on the highest level and you're done.
(sorry but I'm dutch so maybe you can't understand what I meant.. just ask!)
1. click scissors and shoot them to the doctor
2. get the key out of his pocket (left)
3. use the key on the closet to the right
4. shoot the box to the cabinet
5. get the key out, and use it on the closet to the left
6. shoot the glass to the table (click on the table-leg)
7. click the cabinet so that the red potion will fall into the glass
8. click on the table and shoot it to the lamp
9. click on the button (not the red one) and set the temperature of the lamp to max
10. the potion will evaporate and you're free!
Click on scissors, use on other guys head.
Click on key in other guys pocket, use on first lock of cabinet on right wall.
Click on metal box in cabinet, use on glass cabinet on left wall. (should break glass).
Click on key again, use on second lock in same row of cabinets.
Click on container in second cabinet, use on bottom of trolley (the thing the scissors were on)
Click on cabinet on left wall (with broken glass) to tip the acid jar.
Click on bottom of trolley, use on the unlit lamp on left wall.
Click temperature control below unlit lamp, set to High, and hit ok.
End Of Game.