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Stoneage Sam 2 The Ice Age

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  • #46
    *sigh* I see no one has offered help with my problem. I'll check back later - maybe try again after dinner tonight.


    • #47
      Originally posted by NannaJoy View Post

      But have only fed him once and then can't throw again - and haven't been able to do it since.
      That's the exact same problem that happened to me yesterday! I haven't played since, so I can't give any advice either, but I'd greatly appreciate the help, too. (Cuz when the game freezes like that, we have to restart from the first level. )


      • #48
        I'm stuck at that same point as well.


        • #49
          UGH... mine froze there too.

          My time is still ticking, and monkey is still heaving apples.

          Do I have to start ALL over ??!!


          • #50
            Yeop! Start again! I couldn't be bothered to start from the very beginning which is a shame cause I really liked the game!!

            "If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts." Albert Einstein


            • #51
              I´m in level 3.
              I don't know what to do after you take the bone, i found many places where the cursor changed, but it doesn´t work.

              I need help please!!!

              PD: nvm power of posting!
              now the problem is... i don´t know how to deal with the Jedi...
              Last edited by med_girl; 01-16-2009, 02:23:05.

              Just laugh!

              DO IT!!!!!!!!!!


              • #52
                well it has a freeze glitch for some people i think the author needs to add a restart level that ur on to get rid of that problem so im not wasteing my time starting over


                • #53
                  I want to know how to defeat de blond guy from de spear contest.

                  Just laugh!

                  DO IT!!!!!!!!!!


                  • #54

                    Well, starting again to see if I can get by that level tonight. Certain don't want to do laundry, dust, or other boring stuff.
                    Finished a contest .. CSI distracted me. Think that was lvl 3 I just finished. Time for a smoke.
                    OK - now to the one that has stumped me .. in the pit with the whiner & I'm thinking .. died

                    Too tired to mess with this tonight. Maybe tomorrow or Sunday. Son arrives tomorrow p.m. and stays until Sat p.m.
                    Last edited by NannaJoy; 01-16-2009, 04:53:22.


                    • #55
                      I've emailed the game creators about the glitch. I have no idea if they will fix it, or be able to fix it, but I hope they can. It's such a fun little game.


                      • #56
                        ...i BEAT it !!


                        • #57

                          :hello2u: :hi2:


                          :panda2: :kittyhugs:

                          :tsr: :ser: :dan:



                          • #58
                            CONGRATS, Donaud!

                            Thank you, Lov3lyButt3rfly!! I'll give it try later.


                            • #59
                              np EscapeGirl i just played again and got a total score of 15890 fun game! hope they make a 3rd!

                              :hello2u: :hi2:


                              :panda2: :kittyhugs:

                              :tsr: :ser: :dan:



                              • #60
                                Too funny ! Only ONE apple? ...I threw about 5 (I wanted to be sure!)

