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  • Echogenesis

    Play game:

    Diverse environments filled with music that is affected by your interactions.

    Point and click game.

    He who fights and runs away can run away another day.

  • #2
    Just what are you supposed to do ??????? I have been to a couple of screens and pessed a few strange animals. Now what?
    Those who risk nothing, do nothing, achieve nothing and become nothing !!


    • #3
      Why ppl say whos first and whos second. The point of the forums are to help other players to solve the game..Anyways...ABout this game. Are any other places that we can go? I point to some kind on island but can't change the picture
      The cute chicken of LooneyBin
      With wonderful younger sisters:Animal Dragon Chocbubbles
      Sons: Funja,Isaiah and 2 Tails
      Daughter: Emo234
      Proud member of GFARDTO
      Carrot Explosion Expert
      I'm CHOCACHOLIC and I like it and if you don't like it that's fine.More chocolate for me


      • #4
        Hold your mouse button down till line fills

        Anyone got any idea what to do yet?

        Just read the main page and all it says is about change in music. Weird game.
        Last edited by OneBun; 04-23-2007, 02:37:26. Reason: merged posts
        Those who risk nothing, do nothing, achieve nothing and become nothing !!


        • #5
          Why does it take to slow to load.



          • #6
            Originally posted by Tiggylou
            Hold your mouse button down till line fills
            Thanks Tiggylou. I don't know. I found this game very relaxing, I had a very stressfull day and I feel much better, with the environment and the music
            The cute chicken of LooneyBin
            With wonderful younger sisters:Animal Dragon Chocbubbles
            Sons: Funja,Isaiah and 2 Tails
            Daughter: Emo234
            Proud member of GFARDTO
            Carrot Explosion Expert
            I'm CHOCACHOLIC and I like it and if you don't like it that's fine.More chocolate for me


            • #7
              pretty boring but beautiful


              • #8

                What exactly is the point in this game? I have been in a few screen shots of different animals that does a few weird things but what do you do?? Just click and watch?!? Any one else got this figured out yet? Guess I'll come back to this one later!! Very good graphics though!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sconrad08
                  What exactly is the point in this game? I have been in a few screen shots of different animals that does a few weird things but what do you do?? Just click and watch?!? Any one else got this figured out yet? Guess I'll come back to this one later!! Very good graphics though!!
                  Its just meant to look pretty. I found it quite boring earlier, but just came back to it now as i'm all stressed out..... and its relaxed me greatly :-)
                  ><((('><')))>< WORLD PEACE!!

                  Put the kissing fish in your sig to stop the evil world domination bunny!


                  • #10
                    Think this game is really sweet. No stress. And it's fun to try to time the things that change the music so there's a rhythm.

                    I just wish there were more areas...does get old after a while
                    Last edited by OneBun; 04-23-2007, 02:36:25. Reason: merged posts


                    • #11
                      i think gamershood needs a "relaxing items" category for things like this, it's not really a game, but it is an interactive article, so maybe there shoule be a little bit of reclassifying on a couple of things such as this into such a category? What are peoples thoughts?
                      I feel pretty!
                      Don't worry, hurry or 4gt 2 smell z flowers. Itchy nose... AACHOO!!!
                      Please let there be someone that still does this.


                      • #12
                        k i so do not get this game lol
                        who you are is just who u want 2 be


                        • #13
                          that was zzzzzzzz interesting if you are into zzzzzzzzzzz sleeping while you play. where are all these wierd games coming from?? I'm old school I guess, back in my day a game was a game darn it, if you wanted art you went to a museum! now I'm gonna go drink my prune juice and put me dentures in their's 9:00pm... gettin late


                          • #14
                            The game doesnt really have a point.. but i liked the music in the first scene with the birds and lizards.... In the snow scene if you click on the deer it will grow antlers, and in the cave (you get to this by clicking the big rock looking thing in the first scene) the bats will follow your mouse... and you can drag the walrus thing underwater.... I thought it was very relaxing too


                            • #15
                              Hmmm... I liked it but Gamershood definately needs a new catagory for this stuff. I know a site with a really wierd game format- at the moment I have it in my sig but I really should put it in a game catagory.
                              If you like reading, go here:

                              If music be the food of love, play on! Shakespeare.

