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The Judge

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  • The Judge

    So, who is the killer? Or who robbed the bank? Be ready to be a judge for this kind of things.

    You are judge here
    Last edited by Mistery; 05-28-2006, 11:38:34. Reason: Link update

    He who fights and runs away can run away another day.

  • #2

    Help Please!!!!!!!!!!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Unregistered
      Help Please!!!!!!!!!!!
      What are you having trouble with?

      You have to pick a total of 12 witnesses (altho I did choose to have the defendant give testimony more than once, plus his boss)....which may have been my downfall as a judge!

      You will pick four at a time for testimony, then I think you have to click on "end session"....then you'll see the headlines in the paper, close that, pick 4 again...then let each testify and cross....

      You'll be told they need a headline, click on the computer again to make your verdict, it will ask you based on whose testimony and on what days and then click on those pics and hit "okay".


      • #4
        Is there a WAlkthrough for ' The Judge if so please post for it is driving me crazy


        • #5
          when u get the cam take a pic of the twins outside and bring to the place next to yours


          • #6
            Has anybody found a walkthrough to the Judge because I am desperate for one


            • #7
              We need a walkthrough people


              • #8

                Many ways to solve this game, this is the best one of them: (Complete solving to the end of it)
                Witnesses to chose ( by order as they appear here)
                Session 1: John - William - Harvey - Lupita
                Session 2: John - William - Nancy - Chung
                Session 3: Jane - Adam - Joanne - Douglas
                Verdict: "GUILTY" (by the following testimonies, also by exact order shown here)
                Day 1: Wiilam
                Day 2: Nancy - Chunk
                Day 3: Joanne - Adam - Douglas
                CASE SOLVED!!! (don't forget to read the published article in the newspaper at the end to know how John did it)


                • #9
                  walkthrough not correct

                  this is stupid!!! i want to rip my head off now!!! this game is driving me crazy!

                  the walkthrough you gave isn't working... i've tried it for like ten times but still it ain't right


                  • #10
                    When I tried the walkthrough, it worked for me (the second time). The first time, I got confused:

                    I picked
                    Instead of

                    Remember what you have to pick as your final evidence (among many faces) is

                    Hope this helps somewhat. Perhaps this may be what you have been having trouble with as well. If not, please clarify your question so that I can have an idea of what's not going right for you.
                    The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit. - N. H.


                    • #11
                      Walkthrough: Correction (after submitting the verdict "guilty", in day 3 pick Jane not Joanne)

                      Many ways to solve this game, this is the best one of them: (Complete solving to the end of it)
                      Witnesses to chose ( by order as they appear here)
                      Session 1: John - William - Harvey - Lupita
                      Session 2: John William - Nancy - Chung -
                      Session 3: Jane - Adam - Joanne - Douglas
                      Verdict: "GUILTY" (by the following testimonies, also by exact order shown here)
                      Day 1: William
                      Day 2: Nancy - Chunk
                      Day 3: Jane - Adam - Douglas
                      CASE SOLVED!!! (don't forget to read the published article in the newspaper at the end to know how John did it)

