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  • #31
    Originally posted by manchester gal
    then am not sure because it wont always let me pastthe spring thing
    Thanks for the walkthrough guys.
    But I also am having problem with getting past the trap now, which I didn't have couple of times ago, and sometimes I noticed the red man walk past outside without coming in... Hmmmm...


    • #32
      Originally posted by itadakimasu
      Thanks for the walkthrough guys.
      But I also am having problem with getting past the trap now, which I didn't have couple of times ago, and sometimes I noticed the red man walk past outside without coming in... Hmmmm...

      that is because you do just restart with the yellow dot and the game has an error. just re-enter the url, then it works


      • #33
        thanks Skysurfer and Manchester Gal definitely needed walkthrough for that...and it looked so simple... thanks for warning about the yellow button Skysurfer that would be a problem.
        Enjoy the simple things in life!


        • #34
          Thanks for the walkthrough, skusurfer and manchester gal!

          What do you mean "the red light will light up" after the bomb is activated?
          The black dot underneath? Never lit up with mine..
          Although I refreshed the page to restart, I get caught with the trap and this time, get hit by the white thing when standing underneath it(didn't happen before), so had to be careful not to leave the room before activating that as well..

          God, I feel soo stupid! Why can't I figure this out. I have followed both walkthrough, but not much success. The ending better be good...
          Maybe I'll leave this game for someother time..



          • #35
            ok, i am stuck after reading the 2 walkthroughs for 1 mio. times...
            the pink man is standing in the first floor, the green man died already, the red man has gone through the door in the ground floor.
            i followed the walkthroughs without success - maybe someone can give a more accurate walkthrough.
            would be really nice... cause i am interested in the end... ;-)


            • #36
              H E L P !?!!?!

              OK people, I have retried this thing about 10 to 15 times with no results! Walkthrough was no help! The light in first room where pink guy is, comes down also. Did it once and when fell, set the other white thingy under neath pink guy off. My guy keeps getting killed!! Someone please finish this game and post maybe a better walkthrough!!


              • #37
                lol sconrad08
                i am feeling with you ;-)


                • #38
                  anyone find anything to do with the first lamp (it falls) the door under the stairs (is that tom cruise?) the drain pipe (tom cruise again?) or the flowers? I think that spilling the flowers gets you electrocuted somehow but logic doesn't really enter in to this equation.
                  Couldn't find a pen had to think of a new trick / This one he wrote in cold blood with a toothpick.


                  • #39
                    ??? I'm confused...Know how to open the doors, do most of the stuff...What do I do with the green man that climbs up the lamp post? And I can't get the pink one past the spring thing that kills him! XD
                    If you want to know your past - look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future - look into your present actions.

                    If I was a pigeon, a pigeon I would be!



                    • #40
                      I restarted it now I can't open the front door no more?
                      If you want to know your past - look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future - look into your present actions.

                      If I was a pigeon, a pigeon I would be!



                      • #41

                        i think they tricked us, and there is no real answer!
                        the meaning of life is to die.


                        • #42
                          Last edited by FayedyTot; 07-29-2006, 11:37:04.
                          If you want to know your past - look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future - look into your present actions.

                          If I was a pigeon, a pigeon I would be!



                          • #43
                            the meaning of life is to die.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by FayedyTot
                              Wow, I finally finished it! Thanks..
                              But it after so many tries, the cieling part never fell when I exploded the vase.. I think this game has a different reaction each time..
                              Oh well, it's done. Didn't like it so much..


                              • #45

                                I did to click the frist light on the red and other to click on the second light on the red light and nothing happen.

                                I did follow all walkthorught and can't make. help pls.

