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Asha Eiffel Tower Adventure (Remake) - Asha 3

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  • Asha Eiffel Tower Adventure (Remake) - Asha 3

    Asha Eiffel Tower Adventure (Remake)

    Asha has discovered a Magic Globe with which she can now travel all around the World.
    She's now in Paris where a golden statue of the famous Eiffel Tower was stolen from a museum.
    Help her find the statue and continue her journey.

    Please use spoilers to give hints:
    [spoiler=Title Here]Enter text here...[/spoiler]

    Please do not post a video walkthrough for 7 days.

  • #2
    These DooDoo.Ru games are always hard. Got a baseball bat, used the ladder and have a bottle of booze and a cup. I'm stuck.

    Oh, it's not a baseball bat. It's like a telescope. Got a primitive looking mallot. Guess I'm supposed to get drunk and smash up things? LOL
    Last edited by OneBun; 05-31-2010, 20:28:09. Reason: Merged posts. Please use the edit button, & not double post.

