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Acaro 2

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  • Acaro 2


    Parasite's point and click game. Version 2.
    Last edited by Mistery; 05-27-2006, 00:25:38. Reason: Link update

    He who fights and runs away can run away another day.

  • #2
    beeeuuuh... funny to be an amoeba. have you ever thought of a sexual life of a parasite?


    • #3
      no and I don't want too
      Smoking is the death of many...

      Son of a dead guy: Umm None of these are my father
      Casket Bearers:Excuse Me?
      Son of a dead guy:None of these are my father!
      Casket Bearers: Oh Dear we got the wrong ones
      :burr: :burr::burr::burr::burr::burr:


      • #4

        how the heck do I pass the stupid monster


        • #5
          wot do u do at the water, i av a yellow crisp looking thing but dont know wot to do wit it?

          it goes through the holes in wall, but how do i get the litle guy to do the same??
          Last edited by Mistery; 08-23-2008, 14:21:11. Reason: merged posts
          Reality is an illusion created by lack of alcohol


          • #6
            Im at the Round Energy thing where you click the energy tube you find but then it asks for a 3 digit code...anyone know what it is?

            Originally posted by rosiemay05
            it goes through the holes in wall, but how do i get the litle guy to do the same??
            When you get the round yellow thing in the right hole, it makes all the water disappear, then Arcaro just walks over it all

            Never mind, worked it out! - Finished the game, cute but easy!
            Last edited by Mistery; 08-23-2008, 14:20:52. Reason: Please edit your post instead of multiple posting


            • #7
              easy and fun :-p

              this game's easy n fun but really and truelly it's just a lot of trial and error.
              It's not always common sense :-p and OMG did you see him shag the blow-up-doll?


              • #8
                So funny, i can't stop laughing!!


                • #9
                  omg i cant get past the level where arco is at water with moving platform?!?!?!?!!?
                  Last edited by TManRulez; 07-17-2006, 23:58:19.
                  Internet Translator

                  *note that some sayings have an 'f' in them. I can't post that because it'll get blocked


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by violet
                    Im at the Round Energy thing where you click the energy tube you find but then it asks for a 3 digit code...anyone know what it is?
                    so right wat is the code people?
                    i got this far
                    Internet Translator

                    *note that some sayings have an 'f' in them. I can't post that because it'll get blocked


                    • #11
                      i have 2 questions:

                      1. how do you get past the black monster that is in the room across from the room that you get the power cylinder? all you can click on is his eye, and when i do that, it doesn't do anything to the monster.

                      2. What is the 3 digit code for the power thingy?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Unregistered
                        i have 2 questions:

                        1. how do you get past the black monster that is in the room across from the room that you get the power cylinder? all you can click on is his eye, and when i do that, it doesn't do anything to the monster.

                        2. What is the 3 digit code for the power thingy?

                        never mind; i got it


                        • #13

                          still dont know how to get across the monster


                          • #14
                            still dont know how to get across the monster...


                            • #15
                              okay, i'm dumb, but I can't even get started! what's with the alarm clock?
                              Life is like a bowl o' cherries. Sometimes you get that one that is all bitter and nasty when you bite into it. But for the most part, it's all good.

