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Cauchemars 4 (aka Nightmares 4)

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  • #31
    has anybody found the yellow key?
    Listen to those who came before you. They usually know what they're talking about.
    -SGT MM Housley (1998) Semper Fi!


    • #32
      3rd code.

      In the room with the shooting game click on the vent to the upper right of the chair. There is the man with the calculator again giving you the 3rd code.


      • #33
        No yellow key yet, but when you put in the 3rd code you come upon another game which I can not seem to figure out!


        • #34
          where exactly do you click on the rope? (pleeeez)
          When the power of love overcomes the love of power...
          the World will know peace
          (Jimi Hendrix)
          ~ ~ ~


          • #35
            I can't figure it out either.... I guess if I could read french it would help. I was going to try to get it translated, but cant cut and paste
            Listen to those who came before you. They usually know what they're talking about.
            -SGT MM Housley (1998) Semper Fi!


            • #36
              can help you with french if you'd like
              When the power of love overcomes the love of power...
              the World will know peace
              (Jimi Hendrix)
              ~ ~ ~


              • #37
                You click on the hook...not the rope. Just realized that as I am going through again.


                • #38
                  hook doesn't do it with me!
                  never mind I got it (forgot to make sure the beast was on it! silly me!!!)
                  When the power of love overcomes the love of power...
                  the World will know peace
                  (Jimi Hendrix)
                  ~ ~ ~


                  • #39
                    As far as I can get in the second game is the M comes up... other then that I am clueless!


                    • #40
                      You have to wait for the creature to be exactly on the bag on the floor when you click on the hook.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by sweetmost
                        All I did was drag the bag to the hook. Then as the creature was running around as soon as he passed the open bag on the floor I clicked on the rope which caught him up in it. I've only done this once, so I am going off of memory here. I'll get more specific after I seethe boogy man which I assume is coming soon and I have to start all over again!
                        I got it...I think you have to click on the purple rope, not the one hanging from the wall.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by SoundofC
                          can help you with french if you'd like
                          Thanks for the offer... Here is the text. I got that it is about touching while green and not red.....and you have to restart if you touch red.... JUst not really understanding the whole enchilada

                          "Appui sur la bonne touche quand elle tourne au vert.
                          Chaque combiniason possede six touches. Attention de ne pas sur une touche rouge, sinon to devras recommencer."
                          Listen to those who came before you. They usually know what they're talking about.
                          -SGT MM Housley (1998) Semper Fi!


                          • #43
                            DONE!! That was pretty good!


                            • #44
                              Oh great. Just knowing to click when green helps! Thats the last step. Guess you didn't need that yellow key afterall!


                              • #45
                                to catch the creature: click just below the hook when the creature is on the bag.

