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Abandoned Studio

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  • Abandoned Studio

    New game from Self Defiant

    "Your late uncle left you an abandoned Studio. You always enjoy exploring
    creepy old places so you take a flashlight and go check it out. Explore the abandoned studio and see what you can find. Solve puzzles and collect items along the way. Your uncle spent a lot of time here before he passed, some
    believe that he may have kept something valuable around."

    Please use spoilers for hints and walkthroughs:
    [spoiler=Title Here]Enter text here...[/spoiler]

    Please do not post a video walkthrough for 7 days.

  • #2
    Out! I always love these games! Can't wait for a new one!


    • #3
      I forgot, I am out too. Only 96 orbs Thanks Selfdefiant

      Strange as Angels, Dancing in the Deepest Oceans


      • #4
        Can't get the arrow clue to work. Anyone else having that problem?
        Oh well, got out anyway. Guess I didn't need the arrow clue. yeah!
        Last edited by kikilo; 10-31-2011, 18:08:44. Reason: update


        • #5
          I somehow missed one before. need keys- so what else is new.
          Found a couple. Have not noted any puzzles yet. Blind? Think a nap is in order. Hoping it saves.
          Last edited by NannaJoy; 12-18-2011, 20:13:15.

