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Enigma in the Yellow Rooms

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Kira699
    You can find a walkthrough at this link..part way down the page
    thanks Kira
    If we all dance a little more we would look like this :kngt: :laughSMILE: :ser: :luv: :dan: :popc1: :poze: :hit: :lu: :doggie: :happydancing: :yourock: :yeahcool:
    P.S. ><((('><')))>< WORLD PEACE!!

    I am SmallishbearDancer and Catcher


    • #77

      Can anyone help me on the first room like give me a walkthrough or something?


      • #78
        Walkthrough : Don't peek if you don't wanna know!

        Originally posted by hockeygurl
        Can anyone help me on the first room like give me a walkthrough or something?

        Level 1

        Open blinds
        Click on pillow to get key
        Click on shelves by the side of bed to get knife
        Use knife on pillow to get a coin
        Click on blue box to get brick
        Use brick on window to get GBA
        Click on top desk drawer to get piece of paper ?always choose two?
        Click on bottom desk draw to get screwdriver
        Use key on hole on side of machine
        Use coin in coin slot on machine
        Choose option ?play 2 rows?
        Press lever to get button
        Use screwdriver on portrait of a boy
        Put button in ?safe? hole
        Get oil bottle and use it on door

        Level 2

        Find picture with coloured rings. Remember order.
        Find panel with buttons and click buttons in order of the picture. Green, red, blue, yellow, grey
        Put GBA in hatch next to panel
        Press giant red button next to white door.
        Go out of open door by window.

        Level 3

        Click on drawers under tv?s to get water gun, screwdriver, piece of paper.
        Use water gun on alien to melt him.
        Go to tv?s and press tv 9
        Password: Search (from tv 8) gives clue to real password: Luke
        Press green button that was previously red
        Use screwdriver on wires
        Open the doors by the ?button?

        Level 4 and 5

        Look for brown door and enter toilets
        Open all toilet doors to get clue
        Lift middle toilet seat to get another clue.
        Go back into other room and click on red computer
        Type in ?mouse? as boot password
        Type in hope
        Find the panel and enter password which is capital of Hope: Es Cape

        Level 6

        Click keyhole to get piece of paper
        Find the ?box? click on panels to find a wire
        Click on ?screen? of ?bomb thing? and type Start (is found on the walls)
        Get second wire
        Click on ?box? on floor to the right of the ?plate?
        Use wires and connect plug
        Go to brown door where you got the paper and ?smile?
        Go to door with panel and type ?smile as password to get key
        Go back to brown door and use key to open it


        • #79
          Level 7 &amp; 8

          Can someone help me with these two rooms? Please??
          forget 7, just need help with 8. will anyone be kind enough to tell me what to do?
          Last edited by mindfreaker; 11-08-2006, 22:37:24.
          "What d'ya think's in the burger?"


          • #80
            where are the numbers that represent the shapes in room 8?


            • #81
              Level 8

              there are none. I have no clue what to do. I bombed the box, but am stuck after that. what's the password for the box??? will someone pm me with it please???
              "What d'ya think's in the burger?"


              • #82
                I'm on room 7. How do you get out?
                I live in the messed up world of my mind. I love final fantasy. My favorite anime is Gundam Wing.

                2 riddles made so far.

                Visit Wings of Twilight for some good rping!


                • #83
                  Whats the code for room 8 hmm after you blow up the box you need a code pm me with the anserw or hints at the very least


                  • #84
                    I'm still in room 7. Isn't "PANDAS" 726327 on the phone? I tried to dial that number, but it says "this number can't be dialed to"


                    • #85
                      ok this may sound stupid but i am on the front page and its asking for password ----------can anyone help---------PLEASE!!!!!


                      • #86
                        Got It! Tks All---------strange


                        • #87
                          Room 8 pw

                          Originally posted by Pixie3208
                          Whats the code for room 8 hmm after you blow up the box you need a code pm me with the anserw or hints at the very least


                          • #88
                            help with room 7... got teddy bears head and 2 papers from it...
                            What is better than room escape games???? =)

                            If i get bored, I go to play Action Quake 2.

                            AQ2 rules!!


                            • #89

                              There is tips for the rooms but there is no room 7 and 8 tips yet.
                              What is better than room escape games???? =)

                              If i get bored, I go to play Action Quake 2.

                              AQ2 rules!!


                              • #90
                                what is the gameboy for?

