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The Adventures of Gorax: Episode 1

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  • Thank you

    Hey All thanks for all your help i just finished gorax episode one many thanks for all your help


    • Originally posted by Unregistered
      how do you get him to follow gorax
      First take the spoon (from table),key (from tooth brush pot) use the key with the chest take the matches and then take candle (other from table) then go outside and down to the barrier, lift it up... Use your spoon with the brown like thing and take the spade go into the back yard at the back of your house then dig a whole on the mound of earth... Use candle with Matches and jump down into the whole finding the bone which you then put into his bowl inside saying dinner time he jumps up eats the bone and then starts to follow you.


      • spade

        how do u get the spade cos lifted up barrier and dunno wat to do next


        • Gorax 1 Complete Solutions !

          Gorax's House
          - take the candle - it's on the table by the bed
          - take the key - it's near the toothbrush, onthe left of the mirror
          - take the spoon - it's on the table
          Go to the door and exit

          In front of Gorax's House
          - take the Element

          Lava Pool


          • Complete Solution For Gorax 1

            Gorax's House
            - take the candle - it's on the table by the bed
            - take the key - it's near the toothbrush, onthe left of the mirror
            - take the spoon - it's on the table
            Go to the door and exit

            In front of Gorax's House
            - take the Element

            Lava Pool
            - examine the dragon wings
            - get the dragon wing you can take off
            - take the Element - it's between the dragon wings
            - use the hole and speak with Bertha.
            - go with Bertha to the Barrier.

            The Barrier
            - Send away the witch
            - use the spoon on the ground on the T object in the barrier
            - you dig and obtain a spade, take it
            - close the barrier
            - take the rope - it is in the barrier, and the barrier breaks

            Near Gorax's House
            - take the third element - it is on the house's corner, between the wall and the grass

            Behind Gorax's House
            - use the spade on the ground, in the middle of the garden: you'll have a big hole
            - combine candle + matches
            - use the hole , jump in the hole and take the bone

            Gorax's House
            - go inside
            - throw the bone in the dog's bowl

            Near gorax's House
            - use the dog with the wing - it is on the tree

            Down the Hill
            - take the Element - it is on the road, down the stairs, on the left

            The Lava Falls
            - combine the dragon wings and the spade and the rope
            - try flying - and fall down
            - throw the winged object between the rocks, in the lava falls
            - go on the wings, walk on them


            • rope?!?!?

              How Do You Get The Rope!?!?!?
              if you die, there's no coming back!


              • How do you get matches?


                • Originally posted by Unregistered

                  Inside house you need:

                  Key (in with toothbrush) + chest = matches
                  speak to dog (he won't come with you though)


                  on fence outside house - collect red thing
                  use the hole
                  after talking to the witch she will follow you to a gate.
                  close the barrier
                  use the spoon with the dirt (to the right of the barrier)
                  take the shovel
                  go the other side of the barrier (as if to open it) and take the rope
                  where the lava is - collect dragon wing on the ground. (leave the otherone)
                  collect red thing on rock next to dragon leaf
                  Back to the house - go to the right
                  use the shovel with pile of dirt
                  light candle and jump in hole (come out with bone)
                  corner of house by grass - collect another red thing

                  Back in house:
                  put bone in dog bowl
                  walk outside

                  go back to where you found bone
                  tree on right is the second wing (use the dog)

                  In yer pocket:
                  drag 1 wing to other
                  drag with rope and then shovel

                  down the hill, put wing glider on the second (right) rock and walk across.
                  i did it whoooooo hooooooooo


                  • done!

                    Think of a number befire you click the above spoiler!


                    • I think many people are on the wtong bit of the lava. If you go to the scene outside Gorax's house, then gon't go to the left but to the onenext to gorax's house at the top.


                      • Hello meet miss stupid, the only things i got is spoon,candlematches and some speed little square thingies.
                        How dod you find the rope and all that stuff?
                        Plz help!


                        • Post #57 contains a walkthrough


                          • im so lost omg how do you get across the lava


                            • haha nevermind i got it


                              • Help!

                                Originally posted by Unregistered
                                yay i any1 need help?

                                Yes, i'm stuck how do I use the flying thing, I have two dragoon wings, but he wont fly over the lava!

                                Please help!


