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PuzzleLand (aka Puzzle Land)

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  • #16
    I won without any hints or walkthroughs!
    I am a senior junior officer of the GFARDTO

    And a full-time patient of the

    The jokester of gamershood.
    Why arn't you laughing!?

    If you are what you eat, then im a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. Weird.


    • #17
      That was fun and did it all by myself.
      I'm far to blessed to be stressed by your mess!!!!


      • #18
        That was simple and fun. So glad that when I died I didn't have to start the game from the beginning! That would've really gotten on my nerves.


        • #19
          i feel dumb but im stuck

          i stuck at the place where the cloud is and i use the catapult and the gate opens but there is like an angry mob and i die. im stuck. there is nothing else to click. i burned up the flag and made the guy on top of the castle go away. should i not do that? idk!!!!!!!!!!! i gonnna scream......i need sleep....its four am i so insane....haha....i stop
          Last edited by Mistery; 12-27-2006, 13:30:05.


          • #20
            I'm stuck exactly where you are. I first make the cloud dissappear, then make the guy who is supposed to shoot it tell the other guy to come down. So the guy with the cloud is burrrrned up. Then I make the guy with the catapult mad by maknig the bird tweet. The catapult won't go unless he's killing the bird. I make the catapult go, then there's this monster there and I go and he kills me. Other wise, I go BEFORE the catapult shoots, then it hits ME...i don't get it! can someone pleeeease help me??!!?


            • #21
              I'm stuck exactly where you are. I first make the cloud dissappear, then make the guy who is supposed to shoot it tell the other guy to come down. So the guy with the cloud is burrrrned up. Then I make the guy with the catapult mad by maknig the bird tweet. The catapult won't go unless he's killing the bird. I make the catapult go, then there's this monster there and I go and he kills me. Other wise, I go BEFORE the catapult shoots, then it hits ME...i don't get it! can someone pleeeease help me??!!?


              • #22
                here's the third level with the cloud


                • #23
                  How do i do the spoiler?


                  • #24
                    stuppied ass game stop doing these stuppied click quick games and do something good idiot's

