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Mouse of the Moving Castle

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  • Mouse of the Moving Castle

    Mouse of the Moving Castle is another Japanese point and click, adventure game developed by Sakura. Search for clue's and items, use them ,solve puzzles and escape.

    Good luck


    Please use spoilers for hints and walkthroughs:
    [spoiler=Title Here]Enter text here...[/spoiler]

    Please do not post a video walkthrough for 7 days.

  • #2
    Finally Sakura is back
    Out with normal end
    special end after replay


    • #3
      Nice, special end so far

      A student who changes the course of history is probably taking an exam.

      As long as the answer is right, who cares if the question is wrong?


      • #4
        I'm in....have shovel, ladder, mutton leg.
        Used item to get dog, went digging to get carrot and pruning shears.
        Used item to get pick-axe and also found key.
        Used axe to get box and also found underground river.
        Can't grab item, so must be missing something.
        Placed box and going back over views to see what I can use...
        Used key, have a piece of cheese.
        Chased the lamb and have a pot.
        Placed the carrot and now have flag.
        I see item in tree; how to make koala go up as looks like a pencil in tree...?
        Used my shears, got koala food and now have the pencil.
        Used cheese to get mouse.

        Oh NO!!! Sent my mouse after bunny/turtle and have "mystery end" and then "Service Error".
        Can't replay and I keep getting Service Error....maybe I'll try later.

        Server back up; 2nd attempt.....
        Replayed and back at same spot /w mouse. I found something rod.

        Went fishing...completed building my ?....I'm out and I have a "Clear/Normal End".
        Last edited by graywolf; 01-14-2013, 00:43:06.


        • #5
          After the Mystery End you'll get a fireworks display. It looks nice and thank you Yvonne for the pencil


          • #6
            YAY A new Sakura!!! I'm glad they're back!!I got the mystery end, and, like greywolf, a service error, so no fireworks. I also got the Special end, but not the normal end, yet.
            Don't forget you are awesome.


            • #7
              Going in, again.
              Tried this one yesterday but the server was too busy and it kicked me out of them game when I was pretty far.

              Got special end
              Not getting why the wheel had the number 1 which made me think I needed more.

              @OscarW....You're welcome
              From now on, this is how it is going to be, just her and me


              • #8
                For those who didn't get the fireworks display, the direct link


                • #9
                  Originally posted by OscarW View Post
                  For those who didn't get the fireworks display, the direct link
                  Thanks, Oscar.
                  Don't forget you are awesome.

