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Goodnight Mr. Snoozleberg: Episode 2
snooz 2 walkthrough
click lizards head when snooz is closeby
click ufo(timing needed)
click ets head(timing needed)
click alien(timing needed again)
click lizards tail
ko the croc by clickin the death star
click kingkongs hand when snooz is on it to lift him up to the exit
click the rifle to shoot the barrel
click the ledge or what its called that hold the luggage up
click sombrero to stop the mexican frm singin(timing needed)
click horsie to lower its head(timing needed again)
click on the middle cloud (timing needed again)
click on the left most window shutters to close em(timing needed)
click on the unlit fire infront of the tipi to get rid of the vulture
click on the squar that looks diffrent on the bagckground to open up so he can go out behind the scene)
click the microphone to push the fat lady overboard
click the propeller(timing needed)
click the railing(timing needed)
click the wires holdin the rightmost chimney up
send sub towards squid
ko squid b4 raising the periscope(timing needed)
click on tht the ships porthole or wat its called to bounce the pirates cannon ball back at em(timing needed)
click the lamp to the right close to the rocket to stop the stroller
click the fire alarm
click the left 1 to show the xit door open it
when mr snooz walks towards the building click the plank leaning on it to remove the front
move the directors chair to the left of the building
click the painting to ko the silent movie cop(timing needed)
click the rocket to make the moon swing
click the projector thats opposite the screen by the stairs the stoller was on
so tht the train comes n blows its whistle so mr snooz can xit
put the weigt on the ufo
open door to wind thn click pin when cow is in the air
wait till snooz has passed the hatch in the floor pull the lever
when snooz comes to the building restin on those springs click it once
thn quickly press the button tht the wires the planes hang frm originate from to ingrese theyr speed
click tht building again toi spring him up 1 more lvl
click the camera(timing needed so hell walk on it n xits the last lvl)