If you guys haven't finished it already (to the few that may have difficulties)...Ciao Bella Walkthrough
If you guys haven't finished it already (to the few that may have difficulties)...Ciao Bella Walkthrough
There isn’t an exact walkthrough for this Game but I can give you tips on how to solve each Level by following the given hints and clue.
These Actions will increase your Status:
Health: Eating at Home (Kitchen or Café), Swimming (Gym, make sure you eat BEFORE and AFTER), sleeping (sleeping before 9PM: You will only sleep for 2 hours, sleeping after 9PM: you will sleep until 7AM the next morning.
Culture: Reading (Requires the least amount of Energy), watching a movie (Mall)
Family: Cleaning, Clicking on a Family member (talk), Giving Presents (if Possible), doing favours (when required)
Work: working at Uncle Nunzio’s Construction Company (make sure you eat Before and in between shifts), working at your Dad’s Café (less income though)
Harmony: Make Up (home), going Hairdressers or having nails done, cleaning and shopping (Mall)
"Level 1 “1st Date – The Reunion”
1.Get your Status higher
2.Find out Ernie’s Problem (He’s in your Dad’s Café, at your House)
3.Work for your Uncle Nunzio’s until You’ve earned $1000
After your Shift(s) click on Uncle Nunzio, he will reveal an Idea for Carmia’s Present
4.Buy the Pearl Necklace (Mall + Jewellery)
5.Re-visit Ernie and hand him the necklace (click on flashing circle in the top right hand corner)
6.REMEMEBER to keep up your STATUS whilst following the steps and to hand the necklace to Ernie before FRIDAY 6PM
7.MEET ELIO at Teresas Café on SATURDAY 6.30PM (Stats must be higher to have decent Presentation)
8.LEVEL COMPLETED if task and date was successful and your stats have increased.
"Level 2 “2nd Date – The First rendez-vous”
This level is in my Opinion the toughest one
1.Get your Status higher (see Level 1 for Instructions) Green Bar must at least cover the first letter of each Status Eq. Health – Green bar must cover the ‘H’
2.EARN money: Work at Your Uncles Company AND Go to Church and “beseech” (either ‘Pray’ first then ‘beseech’ or ‘beseech’ on different days (For me it worked on TUESDAY AND THURDAY) at different times OR try several times at Once (not more that twice in a Row though)
In return you will get 1000$ (you can do this TWICE in Level 2 = $2000)
3.Bribe the Lady in the MALL by buying and giver her a STATUE (Mall + Boutique + Antiques AND the vacuum cleaner (Mall + Boutique Appliances)
4.This will cost you 1750$ and she will drop her Objection
Buy ‘Construction Permit’ from TOWN HALL. This will cost you 300$.
You have ‘completed’ the task (eventhough you’ll receive a phonecall from Uncle Nunzio saying that the task is ‘unsolved’)
5.Buy and give your Uncle Nunzio a CD by ‘Vivaldi’ (Mall + Boutique + Music Store)
6.Buy Inline Skates (Mall + Boutique + Sports) This will cost you 450$.Make sure your Status has Increased whilst following the steps for the task, only then you’ll win the level!
7. Be at home between 12PM and 4PM to go inline skating with Elio."
Level 3 “ 3rd Date – Once Upon A Time in Little Italy”
1.Again increase your Stats
2.Task 1 involves buying a new dress FORGET IT, you already have a dress in your Inventory
3.Visit Your Mum and Sister (once a day) in Hospital (click to talk)
4.Task 2 involves buying Uncle Nunzio a CD (AIDA), hand it to him and work 1 Shift in the Company. You then should get a call from your Mum ‘Thanking you’ (once your home and about to go to sleep)
5.Help your Dad in the Café
6.Be at HOME on SATURDAY between 10AM and 2PM
Level 4 “4th Date – A Night at the Ritz”
1.Increase Status by talking to Family Members/People (several times if possible)
2.Task 1 ‘The church roof is leaking’
3.MONEY: Visit ‘Cat-A-GOGO Boutique’, talk to your cousin Maurizio (he will give you a $500 voucher in order to buy materials, the rest of the money you will have to earn (at your Uncle’s)
4.BUY: Renovating Permit (Town Hall $100), Building Materials (Fine quality Building materials $500 (planks of Wood) + Deluxe Building Materials $1000 (step ladder) ) and Hire Crew (Ernie – in your dads Café - will accept offer of $500)
5.Once you have everything visit the church and Pray and you will see the Church being repaired. Return Home and you’ll receive a call from Nunzio ‘thanking you’
6.Task 2 ‘singing Contract’ on Saturday night (same night you have a date).
7.Visit Chuch and Pray before Friday night and the meeting will be changed to FRIDAY 7PM at da teresas café! (return home, receive phone call to confirm the changes) STAY AT YOUR HOME (no need to go to da teresas café, scene just comes up when it turns 7pm)
8.Stay at home to be on time on Saturday 7PM for the taxi to arrive.
Level 5 “5th Date – Hide Ur allergies”
1. Increase Status
2. First you must go to Hospital to get a Prescription from the Doctor
3. Allergies: Buy ‘Antihistamine’ (50$) at the mall (Boutique + Drug Store) to cure your Allergies whenever the ‘thermometer’ lights up
4. Task 1 Help Out your Dad in the Café (Remember The orders and ‘Click and Drag’ the appropriate Order to the Person) EARN MONEY to buy Medication
5. MEET Elio at your Home between 2PM and 3PM"
Level 6 “6th Date – The Preparations”
1. Increase Status (talk to all Family Members)
2. Task 1: Immigration Office won’t let Family Member into the Country: Search Carmia’s Bedroom and look for 2 Items to prove his Identity (Under Pillow and nest to Chester Draws on Floor)
3. Go to City Hall (talk to Judge) He will give you the Visa.
4. Task 2: Pick up Family at the Airport by Playing a driving game
5. Stay at Home on Saturday 2PM to go shopping with Elio
Level 7 “7th Date – Returning in your Dress”
1. Increase Status
2. Task 1: Buy ‘Silhouette Thinner’ (150$) at the mall (Drugstore)
3. Task 2: ‘Save The baby’ Click on the Items to take them away (Cigarettes, Bottle of Vodka and a Cigar)
4. Meet Elio at home between 5PM and 7PM on SATURDAY
Level 8 “8th Date – Carmie’s Wedding”
1. Increase Status (If it is not already at is highest standard)
2. Task 1: ‘Settle argument between your parents and Teresa’
3. ‘Beseech’ at the Church until God will help you Settle the Arguement
4. Speak with your dad (café, he will the Apologize to Teresa) Speak to Teresa and she will accept apology if you buy her a Leather Jacket at ‘Cat-A-GOGO Boutique’ (1000$) Give to Teresa, she will Confess her Crime
5. Task 2: ‘Prepare 100 Cannolis’ 3 Ingredients, if something is missing always start from the LEFT
6. Be at the Church on Saturday 1PM for Carmie’s Wedding
Level 9 “9th Date – Take it easy Elena”
1. Increase Status
2. Play Tennis with Your Cousin Maurizio (no need to win)
3. Meet Elio at your House around 6PM
Level 10 “10th Date – Back from the Honeymoon”
1. Parents out of Town, Carmie will be cooking! REMEMBER: To eat in Restaurants and not at Home (eat in kitchen = -2 Health -1 Harmony)
2. Task 1: ‘The Lorredis’ Buy a Wine Cellar (500$ Mall + Antiques), cappuccino machine and Ceiling van (Both Cappuccino Machine and Ceiling Van are out of stock = DON’T BOTHER)
3. Task 2: Remove all Posters from the City as Exhibition is threatened (remove 11 from 14 Posters, Elio will take care of the rest, to be found in every Building/Room except ‘City Hall’, ‘Hospital’, ‘Uncle Nunzio’s Company’ and ‘Cat-A-GOGO Boutique’! You’ll Receive a call later in the Evening from Elio (saying they finished the job) once you have collected 11/14 posters.
4. Meet Elio at your home on Saturday 6PM
Level 11 “11th Date – Strike at Nunzio Constructions”
1. Carmie is still cooking DON’T EAT AT HOME (eat in Restaurants)
2. ‘Beseech’ at Church until you get ‘Help’ from God
3. Task 1: ‘Solve the work conflict/Strike at Nunzio Construction’ Go and see Judge at ‘City Hall” (talk to him twice in a row) Go to work (Nunzio)
4. ‘Beseech’ again, Go to work
5. Task 2: ‘Help Nunzio find hidden Documents’ Click and drag to find documents (with writing on them, 5 in total)
6. Hire a Private Chef (1000$ Mall) before FRIDAY
7. Meet Elio at your house on FRIDAY between 6PM and 8PM
Level 12 “12th Date – Teresa’s Advice”
1. Keep Status High and FOLLOW Teresas Tasks (try to successfully complete all tasks = win Level)
2. Task 1: ‘Teresa is short on Staff at Lunchtime (Tuesday)’ Give her a Hand at the Café by remembering Orders (score lots of Points)
3. Task 2: Drive to Museum (play the driving game) Get there in time!
4. Task 3: ‘Cook Elio’s favourite Recipe’ Find ingredients ‘Wild Mushrooms’ (Beseech in Church: You’ll receive ‘appreciation’), Quail Eggs (Mall + Drugstore), two-year old Cheese (talk to your mum at home)! ALL BEFORE 5PM! (I always fail at that one, Where do you find the Wild Mushrooms???)
5. Meet Elio at your House around 6PM
Level 13 “13th Date – Marriage is in the air…”
1. Task 1: Distribute the invitations by ‘talking’ and handing the Invitations to all Family Members/People (Stefania at the Mall)
2. Task 2: ‘Too many desperate Girls to steal Elio from Elena’ Take Pictures of all the Ladies that walk past the windows until you have a total of 24!
3. Task 3: ‘Teresa has been rushed to Hospital’ Play the driving Game and get there in time to pick her up.
4. Meet Elio at your Home between 6PM and 8PM
These Actions will increase your Status:
Health: Eating at Home (Kitchen or Café), Swimming (Gym, make sure you eat BEFORE and AFTER), sleeping (sleeping before 9PM: You will only sleep for 2 hours, sleeping after 9PM: you will sleep until 7AM the next morning.
Culture: Reading (Requires the least amount of Energy), watching a movie (Mall)
Family: Cleaning, Clicking on a Family member (talk), Giving Presents (if Possible), doing favours (when required)
Work: working at Uncle Nunzio’s Construction Company (make sure you eat Before and in between shifts), working at your Dad’s Café (less income though)
Harmony: Make Up (home), going Hairdressers or having nails done, cleaning and shopping (Mall)
"Level 1 “1st Date – The Reunion”
1.Get your Status higher
2.Find out Ernie’s Problem (He’s in your Dad’s Café, at your House)
3.Work for your Uncle Nunzio’s until You’ve earned $1000
After your Shift(s) click on Uncle Nunzio, he will reveal an Idea for Carmia’s Present
4.Buy the Pearl Necklace (Mall + Jewellery)
5.Re-visit Ernie and hand him the necklace (click on flashing circle in the top right hand corner)
6.REMEMEBER to keep up your STATUS whilst following the steps and to hand the necklace to Ernie before FRIDAY 6PM
7.MEET ELIO at Teresas Café on SATURDAY 6.30PM (Stats must be higher to have decent Presentation)
8.LEVEL COMPLETED if task and date was successful and your stats have increased.
"Level 2 “2nd Date – The First rendez-vous”
This level is in my Opinion the toughest one
1.Get your Status higher (see Level 1 for Instructions) Green Bar must at least cover the first letter of each Status Eq. Health – Green bar must cover the ‘H’
2.EARN money: Work at Your Uncles Company AND Go to Church and “beseech” (either ‘Pray’ first then ‘beseech’ or ‘beseech’ on different days (For me it worked on TUESDAY AND THURDAY) at different times OR try several times at Once (not more that twice in a Row though)
In return you will get 1000$ (you can do this TWICE in Level 2 = $2000)
3.Bribe the Lady in the MALL by buying and giver her a STATUE (Mall + Boutique + Antiques AND the vacuum cleaner (Mall + Boutique Appliances)
4.This will cost you 1750$ and she will drop her Objection
Buy ‘Construction Permit’ from TOWN HALL. This will cost you 300$.
You have ‘completed’ the task (eventhough you’ll receive a phonecall from Uncle Nunzio saying that the task is ‘unsolved’)
5.Buy and give your Uncle Nunzio a CD by ‘Vivaldi’ (Mall + Boutique + Music Store)
6.Buy Inline Skates (Mall + Boutique + Sports) This will cost you 450$.Make sure your Status has Increased whilst following the steps for the task, only then you’ll win the level!
7. Be at home between 12PM and 4PM to go inline skating with Elio."
Level 3 “ 3rd Date – Once Upon A Time in Little Italy”
1.Again increase your Stats
2.Task 1 involves buying a new dress FORGET IT, you already have a dress in your Inventory
3.Visit Your Mum and Sister (once a day) in Hospital (click to talk)
4.Task 2 involves buying Uncle Nunzio a CD (AIDA), hand it to him and work 1 Shift in the Company. You then should get a call from your Mum ‘Thanking you’ (once your home and about to go to sleep)
5.Help your Dad in the Café
6.Be at HOME on SATURDAY between 10AM and 2PM
Level 4 “4th Date – A Night at the Ritz”
1.Increase Status by talking to Family Members/People (several times if possible)
2.Task 1 ‘The church roof is leaking’
3.MONEY: Visit ‘Cat-A-GOGO Boutique’, talk to your cousin Maurizio (he will give you a $500 voucher in order to buy materials, the rest of the money you will have to earn (at your Uncle’s)
4.BUY: Renovating Permit (Town Hall $100), Building Materials (Fine quality Building materials $500 (planks of Wood) + Deluxe Building Materials $1000 (step ladder) ) and Hire Crew (Ernie – in your dads Café - will accept offer of $500)
5.Once you have everything visit the church and Pray and you will see the Church being repaired. Return Home and you’ll receive a call from Nunzio ‘thanking you’
6.Task 2 ‘singing Contract’ on Saturday night (same night you have a date).
7.Visit Chuch and Pray before Friday night and the meeting will be changed to FRIDAY 7PM at da teresas café! (return home, receive phone call to confirm the changes) STAY AT YOUR HOME (no need to go to da teresas café, scene just comes up when it turns 7pm)
8.Stay at home to be on time on Saturday 7PM for the taxi to arrive.
Level 5 “5th Date – Hide Ur allergies”
1. Increase Status
2. First you must go to Hospital to get a Prescription from the Doctor
3. Allergies: Buy ‘Antihistamine’ (50$) at the mall (Boutique + Drug Store) to cure your Allergies whenever the ‘thermometer’ lights up
4. Task 1 Help Out your Dad in the Café (Remember The orders and ‘Click and Drag’ the appropriate Order to the Person) EARN MONEY to buy Medication
5. MEET Elio at your Home between 2PM and 3PM"
Level 6 “6th Date – The Preparations”
1. Increase Status (talk to all Family Members)
2. Task 1: Immigration Office won’t let Family Member into the Country: Search Carmia’s Bedroom and look for 2 Items to prove his Identity (Under Pillow and nest to Chester Draws on Floor)
3. Go to City Hall (talk to Judge) He will give you the Visa.
4. Task 2: Pick up Family at the Airport by Playing a driving game
5. Stay at Home on Saturday 2PM to go shopping with Elio
Level 7 “7th Date – Returning in your Dress”
1. Increase Status
2. Task 1: Buy ‘Silhouette Thinner’ (150$) at the mall (Drugstore)
3. Task 2: ‘Save The baby’ Click on the Items to take them away (Cigarettes, Bottle of Vodka and a Cigar)
4. Meet Elio at home between 5PM and 7PM on SATURDAY
Level 8 “8th Date – Carmie’s Wedding”
1. Increase Status (If it is not already at is highest standard)
2. Task 1: ‘Settle argument between your parents and Teresa’
3. ‘Beseech’ at the Church until God will help you Settle the Arguement
4. Speak with your dad (café, he will the Apologize to Teresa) Speak to Teresa and she will accept apology if you buy her a Leather Jacket at ‘Cat-A-GOGO Boutique’ (1000$) Give to Teresa, she will Confess her Crime
5. Task 2: ‘Prepare 100 Cannolis’ 3 Ingredients, if something is missing always start from the LEFT
6. Be at the Church on Saturday 1PM for Carmie’s Wedding
Level 9 “9th Date – Take it easy Elena”
1. Increase Status
2. Play Tennis with Your Cousin Maurizio (no need to win)
3. Meet Elio at your House around 6PM
Level 10 “10th Date – Back from the Honeymoon”
1. Parents out of Town, Carmie will be cooking! REMEMBER: To eat in Restaurants and not at Home (eat in kitchen = -2 Health -1 Harmony)
2. Task 1: ‘The Lorredis’ Buy a Wine Cellar (500$ Mall + Antiques), cappuccino machine and Ceiling van (Both Cappuccino Machine and Ceiling Van are out of stock = DON’T BOTHER)
3. Task 2: Remove all Posters from the City as Exhibition is threatened (remove 11 from 14 Posters, Elio will take care of the rest, to be found in every Building/Room except ‘City Hall’, ‘Hospital’, ‘Uncle Nunzio’s Company’ and ‘Cat-A-GOGO Boutique’! You’ll Receive a call later in the Evening from Elio (saying they finished the job) once you have collected 11/14 posters.
4. Meet Elio at your home on Saturday 6PM
Level 11 “11th Date – Strike at Nunzio Constructions”
1. Carmie is still cooking DON’T EAT AT HOME (eat in Restaurants)
2. ‘Beseech’ at Church until you get ‘Help’ from God
3. Task 1: ‘Solve the work conflict/Strike at Nunzio Construction’ Go and see Judge at ‘City Hall” (talk to him twice in a row) Go to work (Nunzio)
4. ‘Beseech’ again, Go to work
5. Task 2: ‘Help Nunzio find hidden Documents’ Click and drag to find documents (with writing on them, 5 in total)
6. Hire a Private Chef (1000$ Mall) before FRIDAY
7. Meet Elio at your house on FRIDAY between 6PM and 8PM
Level 12 “12th Date – Teresa’s Advice”
1. Keep Status High and FOLLOW Teresas Tasks (try to successfully complete all tasks = win Level)
2. Task 1: ‘Teresa is short on Staff at Lunchtime (Tuesday)’ Give her a Hand at the Café by remembering Orders (score lots of Points)
3. Task 2: Drive to Museum (play the driving game) Get there in time!
4. Task 3: ‘Cook Elio’s favourite Recipe’ Find ingredients ‘Wild Mushrooms’ (Beseech in Church: You’ll receive ‘appreciation’), Quail Eggs (Mall + Drugstore), two-year old Cheese (talk to your mum at home)! ALL BEFORE 5PM! (I always fail at that one, Where do you find the Wild Mushrooms???)
5. Meet Elio at your House around 6PM
Level 13 “13th Date – Marriage is in the air…”
1. Task 1: Distribute the invitations by ‘talking’ and handing the Invitations to all Family Members/People (Stefania at the Mall)
2. Task 2: ‘Too many desperate Girls to steal Elio from Elena’ Take Pictures of all the Ladies that walk past the windows until you have a total of 24!
3. Task 3: ‘Teresa has been rushed to Hospital’ Play the driving Game and get there in time to pick her up.
4. Meet Elio at your Home between 6PM and 8PM
