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Manev Stuck In The Desert

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  • wat tha key is 4 2 put tha water into tha car

    yer tha key is 4 da glove box...........nd 2 put tha cactus water in is 2 use tha thingy dat helps put water into stuff.........i kinda 4got wat its called


    • help im stuck i got the funnel in the radiator i got the bottle in the cactus i dont got a knife i need sumthin to put the water in help


      • help it wont let me get the knife i tried to get it in the middle of the seat but wont letme its pissin me off help


        • Originally posted by Unregistered
          Goal: hotwire car
          Items: small key, stone, broken bottle, bottle, white funnel, knife.

          There is no particular order to solve the problem.
          You start with the red truck in the desert landscape. Click on the door and U will enter the truck. You will see the steering wheel, some pedals and a floor rug. Click on the rug to get the item. Go back. The item is a key but will not fit the keyhole at the dashboard. Click on the area to the right. Now you see the seats and the glove compartment. Use the key on the compartment. Now click on the compartment to get the item. Go back. Try to click on the back of the seats. It is tricky, but if you get it right there should be a black line between two yellow areas. I think it is supposed to be the line between the seats. Get the item. Go back and back again.

          Click on the desert area behind the truck. There is a strange creature walking uphill for no apparent reason. Never mind that. There is a cactus and some stones. Pick up the brown stone to the left. Notice the desert area just above the big grey stone. Click on it. It seems something is hidden in the sand. Click on the sand. Get the item. Go back, go back.

          Take a look under the car, just in front of the right wheel. Get the item and go back. Click at the back of the truck and you will se a green box and a small green caterpillar. Click on the box. Use your stone to smash the padlock. Open the box and get the item.

          Finally you have all the tools to complete the task.

          Go to the desert area. Go to the cactus. Use the broken bottle at about the middle of the cactus. It should get stuck and start to drip water. Use the other bottle to get the water. Go back to the truck.

          Go to the front of the truck and use the crowbar at the front of the hood. Click on the hood. In front of you, you will have a very odd version of an engine in black and white. There is a little yellow ring at the lower centre. It may not seem like it but it is a hole. Put the white funnel in it, then pour water in the funnel. Go back and back again.

          Now enter the car. Look under the dashboard at the left end. You will find four cables. Cut them with the knife. Click on the end of the left yellow cable until it connects with the blue. The end.
          man i keep clickin betwwen the seets and i still cant get nothin i need hellp


          • Originally posted by Unregis
            man i keep clickin betwwen the seets and i still cant get nothin i need hellp
            between the back seat and the front seat, not between the front seats


            • Originally posted by Unregistered
              i don t even no were the key is

              Key is under the drivers side mat
              How do you get the cactus to break open and give water? better yet, how do you get the hood open to cool the car?


              • hey that was easier than it looks


                • Manev Stuck In The Desert

                  where is the knife plz plz plz


                  • Originally posted by game.boy
                    it's in-between the car seats where the faint black line is. It's hard to click on but you'll eventually get it.
                    for more cool games like this check out:

                    its a reely good site
                    try it
                    Always happy to help!!!
                    Probably this helps.


                    • Walkthrough 4 u

                      ok here we go....
                      first click on drivers door, look under mat on floor get the key. secondly click upwards near right side of steering wheel and to the left you will see glove compartment. use the key to open it and inside you will see a funnel, take it. come out of that screen so that you can see glove compartment on your left again. and if you look very carefully to your right between the red block and the yellow block above that (the seat) you will see a tiny black mark, press on this to get the knife. come fully out of the screens so that you are looking at the car again. Click under the car to get the bottle. come out of this screen and click on grey rock in background. click on big rock to the left and what looks like tiny bits of grass on the right (this is the broken bottle). From here click on cactus that is already in the same screen as the rocks. use the broken bottle with it to get the cactus water and then directly under that place the full bottle to collect the water. Once you have done this go back to main pic of the car. Click on the boot of the car and use rock you have with padlock on green box thingy. when padlock open click on box and get crow bar. go back to looking at car pic. click on bonnet so you are looking at front of car. use crow bar to open bonnet. when bonnet open put the funnel in the yellow ring and then place the full bottle of cactus water on funnel. go back to main pic of car and open drivers door. click right under the edge of yellow dash board (just to the right and just below where the key should go). you come to wires, cut them with the knife. click on the yellow wife on your left (exactly on the tip of it) 3 times, it will connect to the red then blue then green wire. well done you completed the game. hope that helps every1


                      • Why this is on Gamershood old site?
                        What is better than room escape games???? =)

                        If i get bored, I go to play Action Quake 2.

                        AQ2 rules!!


                        • Well, the important thing is that it's on the game server and it works.


                          • Originally posted by Unregistered
                            Goal: hotwire car
                            Items: small key, stone, broken bottle, bottle, white funnel, knife.

                            There is no particular order to solve the problem.
                            You start with the red truck in the desert landscape. Click on the door and U will enter the truck. You will see the steering wheel, some pedals and a floor rug. Click on the rug to get the item. Go back. The item is a key but will not fit the keyhole at the dashboard. Click on the area to the right. Now you see the seats and the glove compartment. Use the key on the compartment. Now click on the compartment to get the item. Go back. Try to click on the back of the seats. It is tricky, but if you get it right there should be a black line between two yellow areas. I think it is supposed to be the line between the seats. Get the item. Go back and back again.

                            Click on the desert area behind the truck. There is a strange creature walking uphill for no apparent reason. Never mind that. There is a cactus and some stones. Pick up the brown stone to the left. Notice the desert area just above the big grey stone. Click on it. It seems something is hidden in the sand. Click on the sand. Get the item. Go back, go back.

                            Take a look under the car, just in front of the right wheel. Get the item and go back. Click at the back of the truck and you will se a green box and a small green caterpillar. Click on the box. Use your stone to smash the padlock. Open the box and get the item.

                            Finally you have all the tools to complete the task.

                            Go to the desert area. Go to the cactus. Use the broken bottle at about the middle of the cactus. It should get stuck and start to drip water. Use the other bottle to get the water. Go back to the truck.

                            Go to the front of the truck and use the crowbar at the front of the hood. Click on the hood. In front of you, you will have a very odd version of an engine in black and white. There is a little yellow ring at the lower centre. It may not seem like it but it is a hole. Put the white funnel in it, then pour water in the funnel. Go back and back again.

                            Now enter the car. Look under the dashboard at the left end. You will find four cables. Cut them with the knife. Click on the end of the left yellow cable until it connects with the blue. The end.
                            That is good walkthrough! upper walkthrough is not.
                            What is better than room escape games???? =)

                            If i get bored, I go to play Action Quake 2.

                            AQ2 rules!!


                            • Weei, finished. (:
                              i looooove pandas. get used to it!


                              • *** are wires, and where can I find them and how?

