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Kapabo's Magical Tour

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  • #16
    aww chapter 5 wont load!!!


    • #17
      none of the chapters will load for me
      My daddy was a dollar

      Not worth a hundred cents


      • #18
        Probably the server is very busy right now. This has always been the case when a new game was released. I think that in 2-3 days it will get better.


        • #19
          Last eve the chapters were slow to load for me as well. I too agree that it may be a traffic/bandwidth strain. Just be patient.... slowly, but surely it continues.

          I'm finally back & still on 3 (I feel so duh.... I also had a nightmatre about a bus last night too, j/k )

          Edit: oppsy! The site disapeared. I'll try again later & see if it's not so slow then.
          Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
          Looney GHer!


          • #20
            stuck on #3... I just keep walking in circles
            My daddy was a dollar

            Not worth a hundred cents


            • #21
              Originally posted by HANFGARN
              stuck on #3... I just keep walking in circles


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mistery

                Holy cow how did you apply everything to the girl I'm pretty sure I know who your talking about but when I click on her she just says Hi I'm so and so and when I look in the bookbag to find a certain item that matches something in the place I can't seem to pull it out from the bag to use it, when I click it the next item just comes up. Uh oh trash mans here I better get the trash out lol gotta go
                DA Goofy Hawaiian Seal of GamersHood

                Lost in a room trying to escape

                Beam me up scotty!


                • #23
                  I just have chosen the things from the bag one by one, and then clicked on the girl.
                  Unfortunately the site is so busy that I'm going to try again later, not now.
                  So I can't give you more specific info on that part of the game


                  • #24
                    Oh Okie dokie tankies I'll give it a try real quick and see if I can do it, I wonder if I can park the bus this time without wrecking it ha ha ha. I know i don't need to but I just want to the heck of it
                    DA Goofy Hawaiian Seal of GamersHood

                    Lost in a room trying to escape

                    Beam me up scotty!


                    • #25
                      ARGH! That buss thing on chapter 2 is driving me BANANAS!!

                      STILL struddling


                      PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                      • #26
                        HA HA Lilli it doesn't matter if you bang it up you can still park it eitheir way lol I learned that the hard way after attempting to do it perfectly a bunch of times

                        OMG the Lo Lo (stupid) page is taking forever to load
                        DA Goofy Hawaiian Seal of GamersHood

                        Lost in a room trying to escape

                        Beam me up scotty!


                        • #27
                          Yeah? I know how ta do a good job of it but ya know it would have been nice with a buss that can ACTUALLY turn proper

                          STILL struddling


                          PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                          • #28
                            Oh ya I know the da kine, bus don't turn as sharply as it should. I'm stuck at chapter 3 yet again ya. I can't figure out how to select the items from my bag Well I need some coffee now so I will be back shortly

                            Edit: I'd figure I'd tell you what Da Kine mean't instead of leaving you to sit and scratch your head I may be gone for a while I feel like going for a drive with my son. But Da Kine is a Hawaiian noun used for everything so it states the person place or thing before you type it. Okie dokie also I'm still stuck at the castle with the party people
                            DA Goofy Hawaiian Seal of GamersHood

                            Lost in a room trying to escape

                            Beam me up scotty!


                            • #29
                              I'm bashing them stupid cars that are in my way. I'm comin' Neener! Hold on, it's gonna be a bumpy ride
                              Last edited by Lilliputt; 06-11-2007, 15:28:26.

                              STILL struddling


                              PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                              • #30
                                *holds on tight* ahhhhh weeeeeeee this is fun ha ha ha I'm still walking in circles in this crazy town

                                Edit: Okay gots to run and get coffee before I pass out ha ha I hate mornings I will run in circles in this town later hope you get farther than me lilli but not sure from the crazy driving my head is still spinning ROFL
                                DA Goofy Hawaiian Seal of GamersHood

                                Lost in a room trying to escape

                                Beam me up scotty!

