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Kapabo's Magical Tour

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  • #76
    Never mind I am moving forward.

    I was still in chapter 2. Now I am going to chapter 3. Strange game.
    Last edited by Mistery; 06-12-2007, 16:47:43. Reason: MERGED POSTS. MAKING MORE THAN 1 POST IN A ROW IS NOT ALLOWED. PLEASE USE THE EDIT BUTTON
    "The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the living to do so for them"R.I.P. Brandon. Your big sister misses you!


    • #77

      This game is so neat I had so much fun playing it but did get stuck quite few times and from the help of Lilliput i made it out so heres a walkthrough for you guys it is very detailed I like doing that so you won't get stuck at all if you do just ask and me or any other players will help.

      Tada all done cute game huh I loved it.

      I'll be back later my father in law need the computer and my son is hungry he he
      DA Goofy Hawaiian Seal of GamersHood

      Lost in a room trying to escape

      Beam me up scotty!


      • #78
        I've loved all the other games from PureColorAnimalPark... I'm sooo happy & excited there's another one !!!!
        I'm just a bit disapointed not to be the hamster again...

        Edit : the server is probably too busy (as Mistery warned in post #1), it takes ages to load. I'll be back later
        Last edited by SoundofC; 06-12-2007, 19:12:53.
        When the power of love overcomes the love of power...
        the World will know peace
        (Jimi Hendrix)
        ~ ~ ~


        • #79
          Originally posted by SoundofC
          I've loved all the other games from PureColorAnimalPark... I'm sooo happy & excited there's another one !!!!
          I'm just a bit disapointed not to be the hamster again...

          Edit : the server is probably too busy (as Mistery warned in post #1), it takes ages to load. I'll be back later

          This game is really fun and cute I had a lot of fun playing it and yes it does take a while to load I would make a second window to play a different game while it loaded he he Hope you enjoy it
          DA Goofy Hawaiian Seal of GamersHood

          Lost in a room trying to escape

          Beam me up scotty!


          • #80
            i am tired to wait!!!!!! this chapter 3 take long time


            • #81
              Chapter 4 Rabbit

              Thanks for the walkthough, Neener. I cannot get the rabbit to hide, though.

              Finally got the rabbit to hide, thankfully. Finished the game.
              Last edited by Purp; 06-13-2007, 07:58:01.
              Don't forget you are awesome.


              • #82
                Excellent Cute little game..... Took about 1 Hr to complete but loved it... Go Kapabo you little ledgend you ......
                Aussie Aussie Aussie.... Oi Oi Oi......


                • #83
                  Purp I apoligize for not responding right away thing is I'm a full time mommy and I onlty get on during his naps or bed time and I happened to pass out at 11 the same time as him last night lol but I'm glad you finally got it YEAH!!!
                  DA Goofy Hawaiian Seal of GamersHood

                  Lost in a room trying to escape

                  Beam me up scotty!


                  • #84
                    hzlp me plzzzzz

                    i'm stuck in the park can you plz tel me how i can drive a car sorry for my poor english


                    • #85
                      oh no problem at all what you do is
                      hope that helps
                      DA Goofy Hawaiian Seal of GamersHood

                      Lost in a room trying to escape

                      Beam me up scotty!


                      • #86
                        Also... don't be afraid to smash into a car or... in my case FIVE It doesn't matter if you bump into other parked cars

                        STILL struddling


                        PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                        • #87
                          NENEEEEEEEEEEER i can't drive a car haw can i do it plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

                          did not go for me how I makes to advance the bus
                          Last edited by lili; 06-13-2007, 18:38:36. Reason: merged posts. Making more than one post in a row is not allowed. Use "Edit" button instead of making multiple posts.


                          • #88
                            Maybe you need to understand what things are called that you drive with, miss_maroc.

                            Last edited by Lilliputt; 06-13-2007, 23:44:46.

                            STILL struddling


                            PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


                            • #89
                              i would have liked the song in epasode 1 but the words where in japanease
                              GUY1-you remind me of the babe.
                              GUY2-What babe?
                              GUY1-The babe with the power.
                              GUY2-What power?
                              GUY1-The power of voodoo.
                              GUY2-Who do?
                              GUY1-You do!
                              GUY2-Do What!
                              GUY1- Remind me of the babe.


                              • #90
                                I did it I finished!!!! Many thanks to all of those who posted before me. I needed all the help I could get.....Nap time now
                                I'm far to blessed to be stressed by your mess!!!!

