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Mini Quest

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  • Mini Quest


    Mini Quest is a little flash 'point and click' adventure game. Help Dydik - strange space creature - escape an alien planet where it's space ship accidentally crushed. Use "s" key to save and "l" key to load game at any time. Have fun!

    He who fights and runs away can run away another day.

  • #2
    i cant find anything to click but the door, can anyone else?


    • #3
      Go left and you'll find the beacon. Take it. Go left again, twice I think, and you'll find a smelly flower. I could'nt get him to go back so I started again and went down (I think) after the beacon. Pick up a green radioactive stone and see some old ruins in the distance. Go there. Enter the cave and see some old devices, but they are guarded by a dragon. I made him return to the smelly flower and pick it in order to deter the dragon.

      But I cannot get him to move from the flower spot and return to the cave. If I save the game and start again, I end up at the flower spot again where he just stands there goggling at me. I've clicked everywhere. Any idea anyone how I can get him back to the cave???


      • #4
        Go left and you'll find the beacon. Take it. Go left again, twice I think, and you'll find a smelly flower. I could'nt get him to go back so I started again and went down (I think) after the beacon. Pick up a green radioactive stone and see some old ruins in the distance. Go there. Enter the cave and see some old devices, but they are guarded by a dragon. I made him return to the smelly flower and pick it in order to deter the dragon.

        But I cannot get him to move from the flower spot and return to the cave. If I save the game and start again, I end up at the flower spot again where he just stands there goggling at me. I've clicked everywhere. Any idea anyone how I can get him back to the cave???


        • #5
          it's too annoying to move around on this game so im not gonna bother with it


          • #6
            so, i finished the game. quite easy as could have been expected.

            1. walk left, pick up the beacon
            2. walk left and left again
            3. click the flower
            4. go right and in the next screen down
            5. pick up the rock and go left
            6. click the "ancient ruins"
            7. click door
            8. click wire; monster will scare you and you end up in front of the door again
            9. go down
            10. go right and right again
            11. go left on the screen with the 3 way crossing
            12. pick up flower
            13. go back to the big door at the ruins
            14. use flower with door
            15. enter the door
            16. pick up wire
            17. use rock with device
            18. use wire with device
            19. use beacon with device
            20. go back to the screen where you picked up the rock
            21. here use beacon with sky

            if you are stuck anywhere, try to go up or down a few steps and then again in the direction you want.
            But yes, it is annoying.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Unregistered
              it's too annoying to move around on this game so im not gonna bother with it
              i agree, shame really could have enjoyed it if it wasnt so hard to move around
              Reality is an illusion created by lack of alcohol


              • #8


                • #9

                  Thanks that helped! Also thanks for the comment on Un-"cool girl". Everything she has posted has been something she took from someone else. It isn't right!!!
                  Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
                  Looney GHer!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by OneBun
                    Thanks that helped! Also thanks for the comment on Un-"cool girl". Everything she has posted has been something she took from someone else. It isn't right!!!

                    Yes, you are right, it's not fair. But this way we know that she is able to copy-paste , great achievement
                    Don't bother, I'm not getting depressive about that. It's a pity, but there are more important things in this world than to get really upset because such an uncool thing


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mistery
                      Yes, you are right, it's not fair. But this way we know that at least she is able to copy-paste , great achievement

                      So true!!! LOL!!!
                      Seeking Where My Alien & Mysterious Sis Has gone???
                      Looney GHer!


                      • #12
                        account suspended?!

                        when I click on the link to the game it says my account is suspended contact support...what's that all about?

