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Katilin Gِlgesi - Shadow of the Killer

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  • Katilin Gِlgesi - Shadow of the Killer

    This is a point-and-click game in Turkish this time. You need to solve the crime.

    Play Here
    (Can't tell yet how important knowledge of the language is)

    Please use spoilers to give hints:
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    Click image for larger version

Name:	Katilin.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	21.3 KB
ID:	1695567

  • #2
    Well, I think the language is pretty important because I tried to examine some item and clicked the sign in right corner of the screen - it got me to main menu so I had to restart game!

    Do not press this "Oyundan Cik" sign! :p

    anyway I got

    anyone playing this? I also went through door in libriary to computer room and found


    HA! Progress!


    ok. I ended up in some building were strange people are giving you a list of phone numbers and found something else but I will wait till someone starts to play this.
    Last edited by Mindsmasher; 09-03-2007, 11:34:19.
    anyone got an new game to share?

    I don't sleep 'cause I don't want to

    Excuse me for not responding to private messages on time


    • #3
      I tink the language barrier does cause some problems I just managed to quit the game withoout knowing that is what the option I clicked meant

      STILL struddling


      PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Lilliputt
        I tink the language barrier does cause some problems I just managed to quit the game withoout knowing that is what the option I clicked meant
        Lili, did you do what I did? If so then I warned everybody not to press strange buttons ;P
        anyone got an new game to share?

        I don't sleep 'cause I don't want to

        Excuse me for not responding to private messages on time


        • #5

 it. I am now in a third place
          Last edited by Cintra; 09-03-2007, 18:07:16.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mindsmasher
            Lili, did you do what I did? If so then I warned everybody not to press strange buttons ;P
            Oh... I probably did I have no idea what that thing said. I didn't read it too carefully :ahy:
            Aaaanyway.... I got stuck in da second room I think it was. I

            STILL struddling


            PURPLE HELL is back and burning!! See you there!


            • #7
              heh, I had to take a brake few hours ago and now start the game once more. The most frustrating thing (except the language ;] ) are those intro sceens. Autor should think about option for skiping this...


              hm, I'm stuck with cel phone, two (actually one) phone numbers


              ok., now i'm in some alley and can't open door. Any ideas?


              if big blue sing saying "OYUN BITTI" means "congratulations" then I'm out, in or whatever - finished
              Last edited by Mindsmasher; 09-03-2007, 19:12:53.
              anyone got an new game to share?

              I don't sleep 'cause I don't want to

              Excuse me for not responding to private messages on time


              • #8
                Mindsmasher, I think oyun bitti means game over, at least oyun means game. I tried babel fish, but it doesn't translate from turkish. Perhaps it means to be continued? People on n ordinho think that it is the end. If so, it's very quick, sudden and strange.

                The numbers at the end of each section are passwords for next section, so you can avoid intro screens.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by youblues
                  Mindsmasher, I think oyun bitti means game over, at least oyun means game. I tried babel fish, but it doesn't translate from turkish. Perhaps it means to be continued? People on n ordinho think that it is the end. If so, it's very quick, sudden and strange.

                  The numbers at the end of each section are passwords for next section, so you can avoid intro screens.
                  I wondered what they was (those numbers) but din't get they sence. Thanks.

                  About "quick, sudden and strange" - just like death ;p sorry for this piece of black humor. Anyway this must be the right ending but maybe it is just first part of a game. If so then let's hope the second part will be in English
                  anyone got an new game to share?

                  I don't sleep 'cause I don't want to

                  Excuse me for not responding to private messages on time


                  • #10
                    god i hate this game.
                    im stuck in the second building.


                    • #11
                      ughh i cant even get out of the first 2 rooms... HELP pleaseeeee


                      Now stuck with cell phone and 2 pieces of paper with same phone number on them... pleaseeee helpppp meeeee
             | Virtual Pets | Games


                      • #12
                        How can I open the door in the library? I'm stuck!!!

                        Did it

                        Where is the

                        I'm stuck, I
                        but nothing happened, and now I'm still at the same point with just an object, the

                        Ok, I did it...
                        Last edited by Brumilde; 09-10-2007, 12:11:12.

                        *Dio ci ha dato due orecchie ed una sola bocca per ascoltare almeno il doppio di quanto diciamo*


                        • #13
                          oh no, i cant go any further in the game, even understanding the language!!


                          • #14
                            People who managed to left the second spot, how did you do, please?


                            • #15
                              Turkish Speaker

                              if anyone needs translation please send me PM i can translate


