Chapter 1:
Start off by picking up the remote and turning on the TV.
Scroll through the channels by clicking the CH Up button. When it reaches 8, it should stop.
After this, you'll fall asleep. Wait, the screen will go black.
When you wake up, click on the bird with the pocket watch around its neck. The bird will magically appear in your living room.
Inspect the pocket watch and open it. Click on the picture and note the channel 804.
The bird is on the remote so, use the potato chip on its beak to lure it away.
Pick up the remote and press 804.
Use your cell phone and dial the number shown on the screen and hit the green button.
For this, you'll need sound.
They will ask you to use an automated service, press 1.
Then, they'll ask to activate a channel, press 2.
Then, type in the channel number and press pound(804#)
Then, confirm it with 1.
Your TV screen should now show a safe with a sign "DESTINATION 11:15" above it.
Open the pocket watch and set the watch to 11:15 then click the button on top to get a message, 105 40.
Use the remote's four directional buttons to set that number onto the safe.(The ones surrounding the OK button)
Turn the top one to 105 and the bottom one to 40 then press OK. Leave the hut.
Congratulations, Chapter 1 is done.
Code for Chapter 2:
Chapter 2:
Go left and pick the dry discolored palm branch from the tree.
Go back and turn right and pull the ship's anchor. Go in.
Take the lantern hanging on the right.
Go in to the room on the right. Pick up the battery.
Leave and go into the room on the left. Get shovel.
Also note there is a box at the bottom right, a little above your item box.
Pull away the plank to reveal it. You cannot do anything with it yet.
Return to the hut. Pick up the metal detector and open the panel on the top right. Put the battery in.
Turn the power on and pick it up.
Leave the hut and go up the hill.
Use the metal detector on the sandy area just above where the path cuts to the left. It should make a whining sound.
Use the shovel on that area. The shovel should be glowing if at the correct position. Pick up the key.
Return to the room on the ship with the box.
Use the key and take the magnifying glass and the paper with secret codes.
Go to the cave entrance and go left.
Put the dry leaf branch there and use magnifying glass on it to start a fire.
Use the lantern on the fire.
Go to the cave entrance.
Note the roman numeral "XI". It means 11.
Go in the cave and pick up the decoder tube on the bottom right.
Click on it once to enlarge it, then use the paper with codes on it. This should combine them.
Scroll the codes down by clicking the right of the tube. Option to scroll up or down will be given.
Scroll to 11.
Look at the cave and the pictures. They resemble each other.
The first one looks like the "rabbit". So go right. The next is the owl, so go left and so on.
The directions would be, right, left, left, right, left, right.
Go up the stairs and you're done.
Code for Chapter 3:
Chapter 3:
Go left. Take the ladder.
Examine the tree stump on the left.
Use your mouse to chase the beetle. When it is approaching the right side of the stump, click on the fern and it should climb on. When it's trapped, get it.
Go right twice and use the bamboo ladder(when the ladder starts glowing, it means that it's the right spot to use it)
Go up.
Take a glass shard from the hanging ornament(It looks like the rest, but one should be clickable).
Go to the left and get the pink cassette tape.
Talk to the guy in bed(Tommy).
You'll get a Field Guide and a Start Button as the conversation is over.
Go left then examine the table. Get the black cassette.
Put the beetle in, turn on the heater for the kettle, wait until there's steam and pour water in. Then click on vinegar. For now, leave the mixture there.
Move back, then turn right.
You can turn on the TV by clicking the small round button on the bottom right corner. Then, click the top right most button on the keyboard.
Now take the green chip next to the radio.
Enlarge the radio, then put in the pink cassette(wait for it to glow before putting it in).
Hit the play button which should be on the top right. Wait awhile for the toucan to drop.
When it finishes, hit the top left button.
The cassette is no longer usable.
Now use the black cassette but don't put it in yet.
Note the title, Waking the Lion, And two important clues, Twelve Squared Plus Twelve, and the blue and red stickers. You'll see why they're important later.
Put the cassette in and hit play. Leave the radio.
Go down from the treehouse.
Click on the toucan(bird) and it should snap off the fern.
Look at the lion. Note the eye colors. Make the left one blue and the right one red. Open its mouth.
At this point, you can take out the cassette to stop the music(you can also leave it in there).
Now, remember Twelve Squared Plus Twelve? Meaning, (12 X 12) + 12 = 156
Key that(156) in and press enter.
Take the sunglasses, the battery and the Stop Button.
Move left and use the glass shard.
As you move the shard, it should cast a reflection.
Use it to attract the parrot's attention by casting one on its head, then on the fruits to the right to lure it there.
Get the fruits.
Move left again. At that screen, wear the sunglasses.
You should be able to see the word Teleport.
Go back into the treehouse.
Put the fruit in the mixture and mash it up. Once you're done, take it and give it to Tommy.
Examine the Spoke and Spelled toy on the table and turn it on(top right button). Type in Teleport and hit the enter button(bottom right)
Take the LED display.
Now examine the red remote-like thing.
Turn it on by using the switch on the right side of it.
This little puzzle, can't really help...I did it randomly. But it shouldn't take too long.
Your goal is to get all the lights except the middle one to light up.
Just try clicking the four corners and the four directions(up down left right) then the middle. You should get it eventually.
When it's done, get the keypad.
Now examine the strange device(green chip in your items) Put the Start, Stop, Keypad, LED Display & Battery in their respective places.
Put the plug from the keyboard of the computer into the port to the left of the LED display.
Move the character with the key pad, and attack by clicking the middle button, then the direction(it's a ranged attack).
Your goal is to kill 3 monsters to get at least 1000 gold, then get to a castle.
Do not let the monsters touch you. Kill them from afar.
When you're done, get into the castle and go to the top left. Talk to the character and he should install a program for you.
When you're done, talk to Tommy. Now return to the parrot.
Use the glass shard to move it back to its original spot and it should show you a clearing.
You're done.
Code for Chapter 4:
Chapter 1:
Start off by picking up the remote and turning on the TV.
Scroll through the channels by clicking the CH Up button. When it reaches 8, it should stop.
After this, you'll fall asleep. Wait, the screen will go black.
When you wake up, click on the bird with the pocket watch around its neck. The bird will magically appear in your living room.
Inspect the pocket watch and open it. Click on the picture and note the channel 804.
The bird is on the remote so, use the potato chip on its beak to lure it away.
Pick up the remote and press 804.
Use your cell phone and dial the number shown on the screen and hit the green button.
For this, you'll need sound.
They will ask you to use an automated service, press 1.
Then, they'll ask to activate a channel, press 2.
Then, type in the channel number and press pound(804#)
Then, confirm it with 1.
Your TV screen should now show a safe with a sign "DESTINATION 11:15" above it.
Open the pocket watch and set the watch to 11:15 then click the button on top to get a message, 105 40.
Use the remote's four directional buttons to set that number onto the safe.(The ones surrounding the OK button)
Turn the top one to 105 and the bottom one to 40 then press OK. Leave the hut.
Congratulations, Chapter 1 is done.
Code for Chapter 2:
Chapter 2:
Go left and pick the dry discolored palm branch from the tree.
Go back and turn right and pull the ship's anchor. Go in.
Take the lantern hanging on the right.
Go in to the room on the right. Pick up the battery.
Leave and go into the room on the left. Get shovel.
Also note there is a box at the bottom right, a little above your item box.
Pull away the plank to reveal it. You cannot do anything with it yet.
Return to the hut. Pick up the metal detector and open the panel on the top right. Put the battery in.
Turn the power on and pick it up.
Leave the hut and go up the hill.
Use the metal detector on the sandy area just above where the path cuts to the left. It should make a whining sound.
Use the shovel on that area. The shovel should be glowing if at the correct position. Pick up the key.
Return to the room on the ship with the box.
Use the key and take the magnifying glass and the paper with secret codes.
Go to the cave entrance and go left.
Put the dry leaf branch there and use magnifying glass on it to start a fire.
Use the lantern on the fire.
Go to the cave entrance.
Note the roman numeral "XI". It means 11.
Go in the cave and pick up the decoder tube on the bottom right.
Click on it once to enlarge it, then use the paper with codes on it. This should combine them.
Scroll the codes down by clicking the right of the tube. Option to scroll up or down will be given.
Scroll to 11.
Look at the cave and the pictures. They resemble each other.
The first one looks like the "rabbit". So go right. The next is the owl, so go left and so on.
The directions would be, right, left, left, right, left, right.
Go up the stairs and you're done.
Code for Chapter 3:
Chapter 3:
Go left. Take the ladder.
Examine the tree stump on the left.
Use your mouse to chase the beetle. When it is approaching the right side of the stump, click on the fern and it should climb on. When it's trapped, get it.
Go right twice and use the bamboo ladder(when the ladder starts glowing, it means that it's the right spot to use it)
Go up.
Take a glass shard from the hanging ornament(It looks like the rest, but one should be clickable).
Go to the left and get the pink cassette tape.
Talk to the guy in bed(Tommy).
You'll get a Field Guide and a Start Button as the conversation is over.
Go left then examine the table. Get the black cassette.
Put the beetle in, turn on the heater for the kettle, wait until there's steam and pour water in. Then click on vinegar. For now, leave the mixture there.
Move back, then turn right.
You can turn on the TV by clicking the small round button on the bottom right corner. Then, click the top right most button on the keyboard.
Now take the green chip next to the radio.
Enlarge the radio, then put in the pink cassette(wait for it to glow before putting it in).
Hit the play button which should be on the top right. Wait awhile for the toucan to drop.
When it finishes, hit the top left button.
The cassette is no longer usable.
Now use the black cassette but don't put it in yet.
Note the title, Waking the Lion, And two important clues, Twelve Squared Plus Twelve, and the blue and red stickers. You'll see why they're important later.
Put the cassette in and hit play. Leave the radio.
Go down from the treehouse.
Click on the toucan(bird) and it should snap off the fern.
Look at the lion. Note the eye colors. Make the left one blue and the right one red. Open its mouth.
At this point, you can take out the cassette to stop the music(you can also leave it in there).
Now, remember Twelve Squared Plus Twelve? Meaning, (12 X 12) + 12 = 156
Key that(156) in and press enter.
Take the sunglasses, the battery and the Stop Button.
Move left and use the glass shard.
As you move the shard, it should cast a reflection.
Use it to attract the parrot's attention by casting one on its head, then on the fruits to the right to lure it there.
Get the fruits.
Move left again. At that screen, wear the sunglasses.
You should be able to see the word Teleport.
Go back into the treehouse.
Put the fruit in the mixture and mash it up. Once you're done, take it and give it to Tommy.
Examine the Spoke and Spelled toy on the table and turn it on(top right button). Type in Teleport and hit the enter button(bottom right)
Take the LED display.
Now examine the red remote-like thing.
Turn it on by using the switch on the right side of it.
This little puzzle, can't really help...I did it randomly. But it shouldn't take too long.
Your goal is to get all the lights except the middle one to light up.
Just try clicking the four corners and the four directions(up down left right) then the middle. You should get it eventually.
When it's done, get the keypad.
Now examine the strange device(green chip in your items) Put the Start, Stop, Keypad, LED Display & Battery in their respective places.
Put the plug from the keyboard of the computer into the port to the left of the LED display.
Move the character with the key pad, and attack by clicking the middle button, then the direction(it's a ranged attack).
Your goal is to kill 3 monsters to get at least 1000 gold, then get to a castle.
Do not let the monsters touch you. Kill them from afar.
When you're done, get into the castle and go to the top left. Talk to the character and he should install a program for you.
When you're done, talk to Tommy. Now return to the parrot.
Use the glass shard to move it back to its original spot and it should show you a clearing.
You're done.
Code for Chapter 4: